LOA: What is Self-Confidence and how it Helps us to Manifest our Desires

Self-Confidence Self-confidence helps us to manifest our desires. This means that we have to develop trust in ourselves. Oxford Languages describes self-confidence in this way; "A feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities and, judgments". The University of South Florida says, "It is an attitude about your skills and abilities. It means you accept yourself and have a sense of control in your life. Self-confidence impacts almost every area of...

LOA: Recognizing the Fears That Prevent us From Living a Full Life

Recognizing our Fears Recognizing our fears brings us another giant step closer to freedom and living joyfully. These things are not possible if you live in a self-made prison of fear. It is common knowledge that fear is the first emotion we feel after birth. It was always there and I assumed it was normal for everyone. This may be true for many of us, however, I believe some of us had more than our fair share. I know healthy fear is helpful, of...

Law of Attraction: Is This a Manifestation or Not a Manifestation

    Is This a Manifestation or not a Manifestation Manifestation or not. So we ask for a manifestation to occur and it doesn't turn out exactly as we wanted it to. Is it a manifestation or not? The other day I went for a drive with a friend. As we were driving along I noticed that we were going in a direction I did not want to go in. My friend wanted to go to a village where there was a gathering that I wanted no part of. I asked the...

LOA: You can Choose to Live a Better Life

You can Choose to Live a Better Life   Choose to Live a Better Life Many years ago when I was in university I enrolled in a philosophy class. I had absolutely no background in this discipline, nor did I have any understanding of it. After my first class I had an opportunity to have a short chat with my professor. Before we went on our separate path we stopped a moment so I could ask him a quick question. I took this opportunity to ask him...

LOA: Changes you can Make in 2022 and Beyond

  Changes you can Make in 2022 and Beyond "Changes you can Make in 2022 and Beyond" is written with this new year in mind. Therefore for your future as well. So, welcome to a new year and to all billions of possibilities that will come your way. Every moment is filled with possibilities and most of them include how you will choose to think. You have a full year of experiences ahead of you, the good, the bad, and everything in-between....

LOA: How you can Increase Your Attraction Power

  LOA: Increase Your Attraction Power LOA: The way to increase your attraction power is to increase your vibrations. If you can maintain a positive attitude and keep your feelings and emotions in check, your power will increase.  I use gratitude to carry me into a joyful frame of mind. This increases my emotional vibrations and thus, increases my power.   Know Your Higher Vibrational Frequencies When trying to maintain a higher...

LOA: Imagine That you Already Have What you Want

  Imagine That you Already Have What you Want You Cannot Create for Someone Else   Imagine that you already have what you want. If you want a better relationship with your partner, or anyone for that matter, get it clear in your head. Imagine what you want that relationship to look like. See it, smell it, hear it, taste it, and feel it. Make a movie in your head just the way you expect it to be. Ask yourself questions about what you...

LOA: Stop Worrying and Start Living

  Stop Worrying and Start Living   To stop worrying and start living is essential if we want the Law of Attraction to work for us. The LoA is constantly being used by you weather you know it or not. Unless you use it consciously, you attract what you focus on the most. The LoA does not care what your thoughts are about. Because the law works on the basis of your feelings. Your thoughts, words, and actions cause your frequency. This...

LOA: What Will you Choose for Today?

What Will you Choose for Today? What will you choose for today? Let's say you woke up this morning "knowing" that you can choose the kind of day you want to have. Choices, for example, to only have positive circumstances touch you today. "Knowing" is the operative term here. You "know" without a doubt that you can affect your day simply by choosing to. Somehow, you have become aware that you have this power. All you have to do is ask, imagine...

LOA: How our Words Affect Others and Ourselves

Our Words Affect Others Our words often affect others and ourselves. Many of us never stop to think about the impact we have on the people around us. They effect our family members, especially little children, our friends, co-workers, and those we love dearly. The problem is, we rarely recognize it when we use these hurtful words. Hopefully, we all spread loving, positive thoughts and words around us. However, it has been my experience that this...