LOA: Changes you can Make in 2022 and Beyond


Changes you can Make in 2022 and Beyond

“Changes you can Make in 2022 and Beyond” is written with this new year in mind. Therefore for your future as well. So, welcome to a new year and to all billions of possibilities that will come your way. Every moment is filled with possibilities and most of them include how you will choose to think.

You have a full year of experiences ahead of you, the good, the bad, and everything in-between. Everybody will have their own unique experiences. These experiences will be happening within every moment of the day. Some experiences with will have will be happening to thousands of people, even millions or billions, they will be unique. Even if they appear to be quite similar, they will not be.

What makes them similar doesn’t really matter., it’s what makes them different that counts. It is all about how we interpret the experiences, how we feel, how we think about them, and how we react to them.

Therefore, this post is all about the changes you can make to create less suffering in your life.


Someone’s Marriage Falls Apart

This is an example of an experience someone may have to deal with.

Someone’s marriage may fall apart and the gossip will begin. Some people will love the gossip, will love thinking they know all the ins and outs and the reasons. They will say how terrible the marriage was and how lucky he/she was to be free from the other. They will take sides and make a villain of one and a hero of the other. Others will say how wonderful the marriage was, and what a shame it fell apart. All the while, not knowing the truth about any of it. All they know is what they choose to tell themselves and to those who will listen to them.

This does not matter. What other people say or think is none of the couple’s business. If they are wise, they will not listen to the gossip and not allow it to affect their feelings. They have enough worries without having to deal with other people’s gossip.

What matters is what the couple’s thoughts, feelings, and how they will choose to behave. It is their journey and no-one else’s. Not only that of the couple, but about how they do think, feel and behave as individuals.

These two people will have some similar thoughts about it all, but will most likely think, feel and behave in different ways. They will have choices about how they feel, however, they may not understand that they have choices.


They Will Tell Themselves and Others Their Stories

They will tell themselves that will affect their emotions and feelings. They will most likely dwell on the negative and fill their minds with pain that will cause them to suffer even more.

Their emotions will cause them to have feelings of anger, hate, sadness, blame and other feelings. This will result in  causing them more pain and suffering.


There are Choices

They need to know and to understand that there are choices. There have always been choices, but in 2022, they become aware of those choices and make use of them.

Therefore, they can learn to lessen their suffering. The choices come first and foremost in the way they view their circumstances. They will come to realize that their emotions will have an effect on their thinking and how they choose to behave.

There are probably going to be some positive things to focus on instead of all the negativity. It will seem impossible, but if they look hard enough they will find them. They will witness how the stories they tell themselves cause their suffering. They will witness that when they listen to what others say they will also suffer. They will see that they have a choice not to listen to any of it.


Being Aware of how They Choose to Behave

The stories they tell themselves and the gossip they choose to listen to and buy into, will affect how they behave. As they listen to people talk against their partner, it will feed their ego. In turn they will grow in resentment, anger, blame, hate, pain, and other negative feelings. The feelings will grow in them and increase their suffering.

They can choose not to listen, try not to focus on these negative things, even if the gossip is partially true. Dwelling on these things will only cause more suffering.


They Should not Ignore Their Feelings

They should not ignore their emotions and their feelings. This will not help. It is important to acknowledge how they feel emotionally and physically. But should try not to focus on them constantly.

Nor is this a time for revenge. It may feel good at the time but it will not relieve the pain. Getting revenge has a habit of turning into guilt eventually, therefore, more suffering will ensue.

They should be aware of how powerful their thoughts are, therefore, not to be too quick to act upon them. They shouldn’t make serious decisions based on immediate anger, hurt, resentment and a need to harm the other. Always be aware of the changes you can make.


A Broken Marriage is Only an Example

Using the broken marriage scenario is only an example. You can use any experience in your life as a way to use the choices you have available to you.

When you’re in the middle of something that could be lifechanging, use a level head to make your choices.


Another Example

Perhaps you are still quite youngish and you are being offered your first drink, or drugs, or your first sexual experience. You feel all grown up and ready to join the group. Alcohol, drugs and even sex, depending on the circumstances, may not be all they’re cracked up to be.


Think About Your Choices

If you are mature enough to take part in these activities then you are mature enough to stop and think. Do so before you blindly jump into the unknown. Think about your choices because they may be about to set up the foundation for your life. Therefore, make damned sure it’s something you want for yourself.

Stopping yourself from joining the crowd may feel like a cowardly act or even an immature one. Others may be more than ready to tell you these things. But they are wrong. If you stop to think and stand up for yourself, this makes you the mature one among a bunch of kids trying to act all grown up. Just because someone is drinking, doing drugs and having sex does not in any way, shape or form make them adults.

Therefore, stop to consider what “you” truly want. Likewise, stop to ask yourself if you are ready for the consequences of your actions. This is maturity.

I swear to you, you will never regret having made a decision based on what you know is the right choice for you. Be aware of the changes you can make.


Changes you can Make in 2022

Know that your emotions have and effect on your thoughts and feelings.

Choose to have positive thoughts as much as possible.

Make choices based on calm, logical thinking.

Do not listen to gossip.

Base your decisions on mature thinking.

Do not feed your ego by listening to others who only make you feel worse.

Choose love for yourself and learn how to feel good.

Be aware of the changes you can make.




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