LOA: How you can Increase Your Attraction Power

Increase your attraction power


LOA: Increase Your Attraction Power

LOA: The way to increase your attraction power is to increase your vibrations.

If you can maintain a positive attitude and keep your feelings and emotions in check, your power will increase. 

I use gratitude to carry me into a joyful frame of mind. This increases my emotional vibrations and thus, increases my power.


Know Your Higher Vibrational Frequencies

When trying to maintain a higher frequency for manifestation, it is important to maintain powerful, vibrational frequencies.

Therefore, maintain feelings of love, gratitude, joy and passion. If you can do this while imagining what you want to manifest, that is wonderful. However, if you need to focus on other things that cause you to feel these feelings and emotions, then use whatever works for you.

Those of you who have been following me for sometime now, know and understand that I my focus in manifestation is primarily about my ability to be happy and to diminish my ego. I am not yet in the stage of manifesting material things although some things are showing up for me out of the Universe. 

I believe this is happening because I am in the higher vibrational frequency much more, therefore, the manifestations are showing up without me asking, and/or faster when I do ask. Therefore, I have an increase in my attraction power.


Know Your Lower Vibrational Frequencies

These are some of the lower vibrational frequencies that you need to try to stay away from. Guilt, depression, unworthiness, hate, anger, doubt, pessimism, and blame. As you must know, these emotions and feelings will bring you down, and bring down your increase in your attraction power.

Try to find a way to lift your spirits up. Even if you can move from anger to hopefulness for example, will help you move another step closer to gratitude. Once you understand that you have the power to choose your thoughts you will benefit, even if its just to feel better, not necessarily for manifesting stuff.

Doing this to the best of your ability will increase your attraction power. Not only that, but you will feel so much better.


Choose to be Happy on Purpose

Increase Your Attraction Power

You can choose to be happy on purpose. It is truly up to each of us to choose how we react to the circumstances in our lives. 

Nobody can make you feel bad unless you allow them to. You are the owner of your feelings and emotions, you own that power. However, if you allow someone else to affect your feelings, you are giving your power to them.

This is one of the most difficult truths I have encountered. It took me years of work to make friends with this lifegiving force. As I claim my power to do this, it continually gets easier to manifest joy and gratitude in my life. Don’t be hard on yourself about this, just try it on for size now and again, once you see and experience results, it gets easier.

Increase Your attraction Power

Increase your attraction power by learning and/or teaching yourself how to be in control of your feelings and emotions. And as usual, try to keep this to yourself if you are are doing this. Others may not understand why you are doing  something to improve your life using this method. Therefore, they will most likely try to toss a wrench into what you are doing.  This is their way of trying to dissuade you from what you are doing. You will feel misunderstood, it takes a strong constitution to go against the grain. However, the payoff it is well worth the challenge.

Focus on positive aspects of your life as much as you need to. Whatever it takes to increase those positive vibrations.

Know, that this can be done. I know, because I did it. There was no way I could see around this problem. However, I made decisions to stop suffering and I had to change how I was living my life in order to do that. 

For example, I decided to stop getting caught up in arguments and negative discussions. I am still struggling, but getting better all the time. I also stopped watching the news on tv, and stopped listening to it all together.  I am certainly not perfect at preventing these things from encroaching on my life. However, I am improving every day. Baby step by baby step.

I rarely give my power away anymore, and it truly does get easier all the time.


No Need to Focus Continually on Your Desires

There is no need to focus continually on your desires. As a matter of fact it could cause you more harm than good.

Sometimes if the object of your desire isn’t showing up, it could easily put you in a doubtful frame of mind. These thoughts only serve to wipe out all the good you have put into your manifestation. You do not want a negative frequency, you want to try to feel good as much as possible. 

 If you tell yourself you don’t deserve what you want, or perhaps that you must be doing something wrong, stop it! You cannot manifest being happy if you stop believing in the process. You cannot do anything wrong, everything is a learning experience, so you cannot go wrong. Even if something fails for you, you are still gaining wisdom, and that is powerful in itself. So please don’t be harsh with yourself, instead be patient and loving with yourself. Pick yourself up and keep on going.

Focus a bit by visualizing your desire as if you already have it. Perhaps for 5 or 10 minutes before you get out of bed to begin your day. And again before you go to sleep. Then let it go and allow the Universe to do it’s work.


Find the Perfect Balance

Find a good place to be emotionally. Focus on your manifestation for a few minutes each day. For the rest of the time focus on letting go and thus feeling good as much as possible. 

Believe in the process and this will increase your attraction power.





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