LOA: You can Choose to Live a Better Life

You can Choose to Live a Better Life


Choose to Live a Better Life

Many years ago when I was in university I enrolled in a philosophy class. I had absolutely no background in this discipline, nor did I have any understanding of it.

After my first class I had an opportunity to have a short chat with my professor. Before we went on our separate path we stopped a moment so I could ask him a quick question. I took this opportunity to ask him what he could learn from philosophy. His answer was simple, ” It teaches me how to be happy”.

I didn’t fully understand what he meant at the time, but I do now. It’s understandable that with the proper tools and teachers, philosophy has helped me to live a better life. I did learn through philosophy that if I chose to live a good life, it will result in happiness. Philosophy became one of my majors and I still depend on the philosophy of others to lead me in the right direction.


Every Choice Counts

Every choice we make in every moment, helps us to improve our life.

However, many of us are on automatic pilot and rarely think about our choices, or even know that we have choices. We don’t realize how our choices impact our lives and the lives of others. We make choices every time we we have a thought. Every thought has a vibration, it is a thing that manifests how our life will unfold.


In the Middle of a Pandemic

We are, at the time of this writing, in the middle of a pandemic. Most people I know have been wearing a mask or two, and have been vaccinated up to 3 times. Most of us are following the advice of our professional medical experts.  I know a hand full of people who refuse to follow these guidelines.

I understand it is the right of every individual to make those choices. Some people cannot honestly wear masks, and feel terrified of getting vaccinated with drugs they don’t fully trust. Others are being led by their “ego”. They say things like, “I have rights”, “I will do what I please”, “This is no-one’s business but my own”. These are but a few of the arguments that I hear all the time.

There are no deadly results yet, or any reports of anyone dying from wearing a mask or two. Nor, have I heard any reports from anyone dying from the vaccination. There are several reports however, of people suffering from mild to severe symptoms, so people are afraid. It seems to be a small minority of people who refuse to follow the guidelines.

There are however, deadly results for many who refuse to follow these guidelines. Our choices not only have effects on our lives but of the lives of others. 


We can Choose to Live a Better Life

We can choose to live a better life for ourselves and others. Sometimes it’s as simple as wearing a mask.


We all Have Free Will

We all have choices and the free will to do what we please. Perhaps not always physically, but mentally, in most cases, we are free to think what we please. If you want to be happy the key is to be careful with the choices you make for yourself. This is a way to choose to live a better life.

However, a better choice will not always guarantee that all will be perfect, or that everything will go to plan. But you will always know that you thought about your choices and you did your best. You made a conscious decision to do your best with the knowledge and the abilities you had at the time.

When you make conscious, mature decisions for your life, you will be able to life free of regrets. As you grow in the knowledge that you are making conscious decisions, you will continue to do so. It’s just a matter of practice. Life is easier to live if you are free from regret, guilt and self hate due to unconscious decisions.

This is also true of decisions made due to ego. Ego causes us to fear that others will not accept you if you stand up for what you believe is the right thing to do.


Unconscious Decisions vs Conscious Decisions

Unconscious Decisions

An unconscious decision is made from a place of not knowing what to do in a given situation. Sometimes we do not have the knowledge, the maturity, or the ability to make the right decisions. Therefore these decisions will not produce the happiness we desire. They will not serve the purpose of producing a better life.

Conscious Decisions

Conscious decisions are made from a desire to do what will produce a better life for yourself and perhaps for others.

Sometimes this will mean educating yourself about a specific subject. Perhaps asking for advice, or as simple as just taking a bit of time thinking about the consequences of the actions you are about to take.

Conscious decisions are not made through ego. Ego will almost always lead you astray. It only wants to be right, to show it is stronger, bigger, better, smarter, etc. than others. It has no common sense attached to it, maturity, integrity, or goodness.

Conscious decisions may not always be popular or accepted by others, however, they will be the best for you to make at the time.


Therefore Choose To Live a Better Life

You deserve to live a better life, therefore, make conscious, informed decisions for yourself, do your very best as often as you get the chance to. Ask yourself what kind of life you want before you jump into a decision you may regret for ever. Stop. Take your time to think things through. Be informed when you need to be. Know what you are doing and what is best for you. 

Will this choice make your life better? You can do this.

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