The Joys of Synchronicity



The Joys of Synchronicity

The joys of synchronicity are alive and well in my world. This is how synchronicity is defined “a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent casual connection”. 

Synchronicity seems to be a companion of mine more and more these days. These events seem to be popping up all around me-and I love it! They seem to have a magical quality to them. Somehow they appear just when I need them to. I never know when these things will happen, but they are gifts in my opinion.

Today was no exception. Three years ago I had dinner with a good friend and we shared a bit about what was happening in our lives, as friends do. However, we have not seen or spoken to one another since. I called on occasion and left messages but to no avail. The thought came to mind that I may have said something out of order that may have hurt her feelings.

I eventually let it go and assumed that our friendship had ended. After all these years (3 in fact) I shared with a friend about what had happened and about how sad it made me feel. 

Moments later I received a beautiful message from my lost friend. Everything was fine now but her life had taken a turn. No matter the circumstance, what impressed me, is the timing. The synchronicity of it all and the joy that came with it. 

Why today? She had no way of knowing I was feeling the loss of her presence today. I had not seen her, spoken to another about her for several months, maybe a year or so. But for some reason today was the day that I needed to know she was still my friend.

I honestly believe this to be a gift from Infinite Intelligence. A wink or a nudge to wake me up. To let me know that I am being heard and looked after. Saying perhaps, this is my magical gift to you.


Is There Scientific Evidence that Synchronicity is for Real?

I have researched this phenomenon and discovered that the term was coined by Carl Jung in the 20th century. However, it appears that there is no scientific proof that this is real. Actually it cannot be proven or disproved. Science says that these occurrences are normal and are a result of the law of averages taking place.

These things just occur by chance. There are many people out there who believe, as I do, that there are so many happenings of this phenomenon, that they cannot just be happening by chance. I suppose we get to choose what we want to believe. Perhaps it makes us feel better to believe that there is something more than chance, a sense of order in our lives. 

I look at them from a spiritual point of view, believing that these happenings are designed to deliver messages. Perhaps to provide comfort, reassurance, information, guidance and so on. To help us feel less alone, loved, cared for, by someone or something bigger than us. 

As stated by Lumi Pelinku, ” The forces above are are sending these synchronicities as a means to dial down our hectic world and to start listening to our voice within”.

Synchronicity and Awakening

What is Synchronicity? I do not know for certain. But something is happening and I do not believe it is all by chance. Some of these things, yes, I believe a lot of this stuff is by chance, but definitely not all of it.

I have been experiencing more and more of these occurrences during my path towards awakening. The more I wake up, the more of these experiences I have. They seem to coincide with dreams, visions, and experiences with other people who have no way of knowing what I want, need, or require.

They also occur more often since I have added meditation to my every day life. My mind is much quieter now, and therefore I am much more aware of what is happening around me. I have more control over my thoughts and emotions. Less chatter allows my subconscious mind to allow me to wake up parts of my mind. This lets me experience spirituality and God in a different light than I did before I began to awaken.


How Synchronicity Presents Itself

People often see repeating numbers, I especially see 1111, 3333 and 4444. Some people call them angel numbers. These numbers all have their own special meanings and messages attached to them. 

Another thing that stands out for me is when another person says exactly what I was about to say, or was thinking about. Sometimes, I say what another person was about to say. I am not a mind reader. However, it happens way to often to ignore.

I will often get messages through books, posts, tweets and music lyrics that speak to me about  a situation I need help with. Perhaps as a confirmation that I am either on the right track or not. Other times images will pop up on a tv screen, telephone, or tablet. They could pop up anywhere giving me a message I need to see. I recognize these things as signs that Infinite Intelligence is always with me, pointing me in the right direction.


How to Recognize Synchronicity

Slow down, be aware of the things around you, be present and quiet your mind. Look for magical moments that occur in your life.

For example, I love my grand-daughter dearly but I rarely get to visit with her. The miles between us makes it difficult to visit more often, furthermore, she is too young to travel alone. It was a treat to have her visit in my home and I loved to make it special for her.

I also have a love for hummingbirds and they always come back here every spring to feed on the nectar I provide for them . It seems that I often see the same group every year. There are about 5-6 of them who tend to show up together. Perhaps mama, papa and their new babies. 

The last time my sweet grand-daughter cam to visit, we stood at the window watching as the hummingbirds entertained us. I counted 16 or more. They were everywhere. They were putting on a show for us that I had never seen hummingbirds do before. I have never seen such a large group again, nor have I seen such antics.

It was magical and the perfect gift for my favourite girl to see. I wanted so much for her to feel special that day. Those amazing birds cam e from nowhere to entertain my girl. Why did they show up that day, never before, and never again? 

I was totally open to have something magical to happen that day, and it did. It didn’t matter to me how it would happen or when. I was just open to the magic that is synchronicity.


The Message was Clear

Infinite Intelligence was telling me, ” I hear you, you need this girl to feel special. Here you go, enjoy this special how that the hummingbirds are proving for you. Enjoy”. 

The message may not always be clear, and it may take time to do so. Hours, days, weeks or even longer. Some things you may never figure out. Infinite Intelligence does not work on a schedule, nor does it experience time like humans do. It exists in the “now’.

Be patient, be awake and aware, and give yourself time to try to discern the message. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the magic.

It is a good idea to to take note of what is going on around you when synchronicity happens to you. Was there something you wanted, someone you missed, or something you asked the universe for, and it pops into your life? 


Common Types of Synchronicity

  1. Repetition of very similar events
  2. Finding a link with a person or people you don’t know
  3. Matching names
  4. Someone contacting another after being separated for years, after you have spoken about them or had a dream about them
  5. Something you have long forgotten about appears out of the blue
  6. Lyrics of a song bring with them an answer to a situation you couldn’t see before
  7. Seeing the same series of numbers often and at the same time each day
  8. Finding unusual items or something you need at the right time, the right place and at the right price
  9. Meeting a total stranger who has a connection to someone you both know, and you end up having a special connection or becoming friends

These things happen much too often for me to believe that they are random occurrences. I truly believe that there is something more happening here. Gifts from the Universe to remind us that we are loved and cared for.

Have you experienced synchronistic events that you cannot explain why they happened? Please feel free to share in the comment section.


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