LOA: How our Words Affect Others and Ourselves

Our Words Affect Others

Our words often affect others and ourselves. Many of us never stop to think about the impact we have on the people around us. They effect our family members, especially little children, our friends, co-workers, and those we love dearly. The problem is, we rarely recognize it when we use these hurtful words.

Hopefully, we all spread loving, positive thoughts and words around us. However, it has been my experience that this is not the norm. Unfortunately, the words that come spilling out of our mouths are often damaging and hurtful. Mostly to try to make ourselves feel better.

I have been paying a whole lot of attention to words lately. There is so much hate and negativity out there, it borders on craziness. What scares me is that I have not been paying close enough attention to it. I have become a part of it, and I am not proud to admit it.


Our Words Affect Others but we do not Pay Enough Attention to it Recognize it

I was involved in a conversation not too long ago, Until I stopped to listen, not only to the words being spoken by others, but more importantly, my own words. The people I was with, are kind, loving and giving people, but it was amazing to hear the words being spoken. The words, as they stood alone, were mean, hateful, and judgmental. Put them all together in sentences and they were nothing less than cruel.

As I sat there and listened, I decide to play the devil’s advocate. I stood up for the people who were being maligned. It took a bit of time but before I knew it, the others were all following my lead. I saw instantly how our words affect others.


The Power in our Words

The power in our words can make or break another person’s image. When I played the devil’s advocate that day, I realized the power I have to spread positive energy to others. I went from feeling guilty for taking part in a very negative conversation, to feeling empowered. 

I don’t want to use the power of my words to destroy, I want to use them to build others up. I have that power. All I have to do is change the thoughts of people and direct the conversation in another direction. The people who were being spoken about were not there to defend themselves, so I tried to do it for them. 

Our Words Also Affect Ourselves

Taking part in a conversation about other people who are not there to defend themselves is damaging to them. At the same time, it is damaging to us as well.

I personally felt guilty, ashamed, cruel and shocked that I found myself in the center of this conversation. This is not how I want to be. It is not how I want to feel. And it certainly did not build me up, it crushed me. 

This experience woke me up. It’s not that I wasn’t aware of the damage gossip can cause, I just ignored it, like many of us do. But I felt good being in on the information, it made me feel part of the group. There seemed to be power attached to this. Then I remembered that my ego loves to put others down, because it builds mine up. I felt justified in maligning these people, because for a moment I felt I was better than them. I fell for the lie again.

We say to ourselves and others “look what he/she did, I never did such a thing and I never would”. Oh my, we are such heroes to inform others about how terribly they behaved. 


What This has to do With the Law of Attraction

What this has to do with the Law of Attraction is about what we attract to ourselves. If our thoughts, feelings and actions cause the frequency that attract what we get in our lives, we get it back. All the negativity I caused that day, including all the nastiness of the others around me, is now destined to come back to me. 

That room was buzzing with negative vibrations and I was taking it all in, I was a part of it. That is until I realized what we were all doing. 

I was smart enough to stop what I was doing and the vibration stopped almost instantly. No, I cannot say that I felt good, but I felt better. The guilt lingered and I felt it. There was no excuse, I was wrong. However, I did not create anymore negativity, and I stopped doing what I was doing. My cancel button came in time to save myself some pain and anguish.

Be Aware of Your Words

Be aware of your words and of the damage they cause others and yourself. Recognize the power you have to tear down or to build up. What ever way you choose, you bring on to yourself.

Feel the effects of your nasty words on yourself. They do not make you a hero when you are putting others down. People will see you as a bully and someone to stay away from.

The next time you find yourself caught up in a conversation cutting others down, stop, and hit that cancel button. Change the conversation or walk away. Do what’s right!

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