LOA: What Does “Being Present” Mean?

What Does “Being Present” Mean?

The Stages of Past, Present, and Future


The term “being present” refers to a period of time between the past and the future. It also means to fully enjoy the moment that we are in. Thus, living in the moment is being present.

Living in the past is useless. Going over what you have done or what others have done, will have very little value for you. It will not bring the past back to you. It is gone forever. However, you can learn from the past, to grow and learn from your experiences. Perhaps make amends to the people you feel you have harmed, perhaps make amends to yourself. Saying thank you to those who have helped you along the way, could perhaps be a benefit to them and to yourself. But what is done cannot be reversed. The past is forever gone.

Living in the future is useless. You do not know your future. There is no way of knowing it. There is a time to make appointments, plan holiday times, plans to get together with others, and other such things. But you have no power or control over what will happen. Dwelling on what you think may happen is not helping you. Yes, do what you can to prepare for whatever occasions you have coming up. However, once you have done the preparations, move back into the present.



What Living in the Past and/or Future Does for You.


What living in the past and/or future does for you, is cause you to suffer. It will cause you stress, disappointment, unhappiness, worry, and anxiety. It has very little value to offer you. However, being present does offer you something, a life to live.

Worrying about what has happened in the past, or what will happen in the future is futile. You cannot go back, nor can you go forward. The only power you have is in the now. Every moment that comes gives you countless choices to make. That is all you have. Make use of those moments by being present.


The Present is all There Truly is.


The present is all there truly is. The past and future are only illusions. You can never touch them, live in them, or even be there. All we have is the present, the now, the moment. You will never see yesterday again, and that moment that just flew past you is forever gone. You will never see tomorrow, for it is in the future. By the time tomorrow is supposed to arrive, it is already today. Nor shall the next moment be called future, for it is always the now.

Therefore, we must learn to live in the present, to be present as much as we can. Make the best decisions we can in every moment. And live it to the best of our ability.

Living in the present moment has become a way of life for me. I work on this as often as possible. As soon as I realize that I am focused on yesterday, tomorrow, and/or any other time, I let it go. Those thoughts bring anxiety, regret, doubt, and more negativity. There is no way to change the past, and the future will bring what it brings. It is pointless to stay in that place. Being present is all there is.


I Ask the Universe For What I Want.


I ask the Universe for what I want, and to guide me every day. Every morning when I awaken, and every night before I go to sleep, I spend time being grateful for all things. It is a time for being thankful for what has been, for what will be, and for what is.

Instead of worrying constantly about what has happened in the past, and about what will happen in the future, I let it all go. I as the Universe for what I want, make it clear as possible, then I give thanks for its manifestation. And most importantly, I let it go.

Sometimes I become overwhelmed about an experience that I have no power over. I allow my mind and my negative thoughts to take over. However, as soon as I realize what I am doing, I stop instantly. Let go, and allow the Universe to take over.



This is When the Magic Begins.


This is when the magic begins, the moment I let go. When I make plans on my own without asking the Universe for help, I can never be sure if things will go well for me or not. However, when I involve the Universe, I know everything will turn out for the best. I may not know what will happen, but I do know it will be to my benefit. So, when I let go and give things up to the Universe, the magic begins.

I no longer have to worry about the outcome. If things look bad, I know that I am wrong about this assumption. The Universe always works on my behalf to make things work out perfectly. It is no longer my responsibility, that now belongs to the Universe.

Living in the moment, as much as possible, means that I am remembering to allow the Universe to rule my life. I may often forget that the Universe is in charge, but it is constantly getting easier with practice. The Universe also takes care of all the little details, that I may not be aware of, and has the power to manipulate those things to my benefit. It lines everything up for me and that is what is so magical.

Being present means staying out of the way of the Universe. Once I ask for what I want, and turn it over to the Universe, my part is over. All I have to do is to wait for the magic to happen.



Past, Present, and Future


Use the past to learn from. Use it for remembering the happy times. Then let it go.

Plan and prepare for the future as best you can, but please do not live there. Give it to the Universe and get it off your shoulders. let it go.

Live every moment of your life as if it is your last. Make the best choices you can. Be the best person you van be. When you always do your best, you will never have regrets. No one will ever be able to accuse you of doing anything less, if they do, they will be wrong. You will then be able to walk away from unpleasant experiences knowing you have done your best.

Remember that being present is all you really have. As difficult as it may seem, you will see that it gets easier with practice.


Link to: What is The Law of Attraction? An Introduction to How it Works

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