LOA: You Can Never Feel Too Grateful





You Can Never Feel Too Grateful

Gratitude Brings Joy

You can never feel too much gratitude. It doesn’t work that way. Gratitude brings joy. It brings with it the things our hearts desire.

The joy you feel is the vibration you need to bring into your experience what you desire. You can never feel too grateful, because the more you feel it, the more gratitude you feel. The more gratitude you feel, the more joy you feel.  When you feel joyful, the more opportunities you have to expand your vibrations.


Vibrations are Your Communications With the Universe

Remember your feelings and emotions cause your vibrations. Your vibrations are your communication with the Universe.

Once you connect with these positive vibrations you are more able to receive your desires. You only have to ask once for what you want. The Universe knows what you want. When you are feeling gratitude, it is time for you to imagine living and enjoying having your desires in this dimension.

Therefore, you can never feel too grateful. You will always benefit from your gratitude.


The Benefits Will Always Come by us Feeling Better

The more gratitude we feel, the more we benefit by feeling better. Even if we are not having such a great day, we can feel better by focusing on the things we are grateful for. As a result, we will feel better.

I know this is true, because I do this all the time. I may forget at times, but as soon as I remember to be present, I go into gratitude mode. I begin to feel better almost instantly.


When we Feel Gratitude, Even When we Don’t Believe it, we Benefit

This past week brought experiences that I truly did not want to deal with. They came at inconvenient times and I was not a happy camper. I was not being present, nor was I being in the moment. I didn’t feel gratitude and I did not believe that I would benefit by feeling that way. But, afterward, I felt great.

In the beginning I told myself stories that were not true. I had issues with looking into the past, for confirmation that I was right, and that the other was wrong. Looking into the future and making up scenarios, as to what would take place, did not help. Ego kicked in and made the experience much more difficult than it needed to be. It did not help in any way, shape, or form.

There was miscommunication, due to misunderstandings, things I was not aware of at the time. These things made it difficult to establish what was really happening. The other was no more aware of this than I was.

It took me an hour or more before I remembered to be grateful for what was happening. My belief is, that everything happens for a reason. The Universe grabbed my attention at the most inappropriate time, because It had something to teach me. Therefore, I knew everything would turn out for the best.


I Got a Double Whammy

Just as I got my head together on this issue, another experience came, crashing down on me, I got a double whammy. No, I did not remember how to deal with it, even though only hours had lapsed since the last incident. I was having a bad day at the worst possible time.

I am not proud to admit this. However, once I had suffered enough, I finally woke up. I once again became present, reminded myself that everything happens for a reason, and became grateful for the experience.

Everything turned out way better than I could have imagined. And, in conclusion, the benefits continued to expand for days later.


The Universe Picked up on My Positive Vibrations

The gratitude I felt, even though I didn’t believe that things would work out, caused a positive vibration. My communication to the Universe was positive, so in turn the Universe was then in a position to bless me with more positivity.

AS a result, I know I can never be too grateful, and neither can you. Gratitude brings joy. Feeling joy is good for all of us. So, find things to be grateful for. Also be awake enough to be aware of what is happening around you. The more you act in this way, the more you will notice what the results will bring you.

There is no need to suffer when you can choose to be joyful by being grateful.


Link to: Why You Should Care About Being Grateful

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