LOA: Imagine That you Already Have What you Want


Imagine That you Already Have What you Want

You Cannot Create for Someone Else


Imagine that you already have what you want. If you want a better relationship with your partner, or anyone for that matter, get it clear in your head. Imagine what you want that relationship to look like. See it, smell it, hear it, taste it, and feel it. Make a movie in your head just the way you expect it to be.

Ask yourself questions about what you want. For example, “How can I improve my communication? Can I find ways to to help my partner with his/her workload at home? Will he she/he be offended if I ask for help, or for what I need from him/her? What do I want my relationship to look like? Find all the positive things that you can think about, and make yourself a movie out of it. Play it often in your imagination.

Get it clear in your mind, as clear as you possibly can. Ask the Universe to help in lining up people and circumstances in your life to help you achieve your desire. In the mean time, imagine how the relationship would look like if everything was already ironed out.


You Cannot Create for Someone Else


You cannot create a manifestation for someone else. Your partner may not  be in line with what you want for him/her. The law will not force your desires on them. We are all responsible for our manifestations. It will however, line up things for you to become a better partner. So focus on yourself.

Once you ask for what you want, the Universe will line things up for you. Ask, then act as if you already have what you want. Imagine your life with your partner the way you want it to be.

This applies to every desire you have. Not just partners. It is all about your imagination and your frequency.


Your Desire is for a New Car

Imagine Three Times a day That you Already Have What you Want


Your desire is for a new car. So, now what will you do to manifest it?

You will begin by asking for it. Your mind will be clear as a bell about this car. The model, the color, the size, all the gadgets, and all the details as you want them to be, even the price. How it will feel to drive it, and how you will enjoy it. get into feeling as if you already have it. Believe that it is done for you. Use this image and the feelings it brings into your being. Do so every time you think about this car.

AS you imagine that you already have what you want, the Universe will be lining things up for you. Lining up the circumstances, the right people, the car you want, and whatever else you need.

Do not worry about how things are being done. Trust in the process and stay out of the way. Allow the Universe to do It’s work. All you need to do is to imagine that you already have the car. Feel that joy and excitement.



Imagine Three Times a day That you Already Have What you Want


Imagine what you want three times a day. Once in the morning before you get out of bed. Again before you go to bed at night. And thirdly, during the day when you are having negative thoughts about not getting your desire.

These sessions should only last about 5 minutes, or much longer if you have the time or if it brings you joy.

Depending on how steadfast you are in your frequency, your desires will manifest according to your belief, emotions and feelings.


Be Aware of Your Subconscious Thoughts


Be aware of your subconscious thoughts, because those thoughts can and usually will, put a wrench in your plans.

If your core beliefs are that you don’t deserve that specific desire, it may never manifest for you. You need to be aware of your core beliefs and to change them if you think you deserve these desires.

Therefore the manifestation could take years. If you are in love with yourself,  and you believe, you could manifest what you want in hours or days. I have read hundreds of stories about others doing so. It happens with me quite often. However, my desires are mostly not about physical things, but mostly about psychological manifestations. This is not to say that I have not asked for material things.

The first thing I manifested was a winter coat I truly wanted. It came to me in about a month. I was just learning about the process of manifestation at the time. Other things have taken years to come into my life. This was primarily because I did not believe in the process, nor did I believe that I deserved what I wanted.

Now, I can manifest some things in an instant, but other things are difficult. Things have to be lined up, people, circumstances, the right time at the right place, and other things that I have no idea is taking place. If I don’t get what I want, I know it is because I either don’t need it or because I am not believing in the manifestation.

Regardless of the outcome for me, I am having fun! I hope you are too.











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