LOA: Believe it is Done


Believe it is Done


Believe it is done as soon as you ask for whatever it is you want. As soon as you make the request for something the LoA begins the process of bringing it to you.

The main thing is for you to believe it is yours.

I personally found this to be the most difficult part of the process of manifestation. And many others feel the same way. And the reason for this is simple. Most people do not believe that they deserve what they ask for. I didn’t. Do you believe that you deserve what you ask for?

It isn’t enough just to ask, you also have to believe that it is coming to you. You must believe in the possibility of receiving your desire. You have to remove the doubts that you carry deep within. If you ask for something and then doubt that you will get it, you are sending out mixed feelings to the universe. You must believe it is done! 


Things That may Prevent Your Belief.


Some people may believe that they don’t work hard enough for what they want. This is a common belief. However, this is not how the law works. It has no interest in your work load, it is interested in your feelings, your frequency.

We live in a society where we have been taught that working hard is the only way we become valuable. Consider that we are valuable, even if we are unconscious, laying in a hospital bed. We are valuable even if we are homeless drunks living on the streets. Unconditionally we are valuable and deserve a good, happy life. Thus, we deserve to have everything we desire.

We are all created equally and Source has planted itself within us. We are all of the same value. It has nothing to do with the amount of hours we work, or what kind of work we do. Some people labor for hours on end, physically and mentally. They give their all, but still get very little in return.

Others hardly do anything, but seem to have everything. Some get to play all the day long and still become wealthy. They seem to have everything they want and it all comes to them very easily. 

Many of us do not believe that we are loveable, therefor, believe that we do not deserve to be happy. We cannot attract a wonderful life if we do not believe that we are not worthy of love.



Work on Changing Your Self-Beliefs


If your problem is that you do not believe in your worthiness, it is time to change your self-beliefs. Not just because of the Law of Attraction, but because you are living a lie. You are worthy of love and of all the things you desire. 

However, the LoA will not work as well until you believe in your own self-worth. When you don’t like yourself, you are sending out  a negative frequency to the Universe. You will then attract more of the same negativity to yourself.

Your frequency has to change. Positive thoughts about yourself will help you to believe in your worthiness. As a consequence, you will be more able to attract what you want.


The Law of Attraction Will Still Work

The LoA will still work for you, however it will be a much slower process. You van use the phrase “I believe it is done” every time you begin to doubt.

You can train yourself to pay attention to the thoughts you are having. Consequently, you will then have more power over them. Eventually, you will be able to stop the negative chatter. When you hear yourself saying that you are not deserving, change the thought. Tell yourself that you are worthy.

Change the frequency of your thoughts and feelings, and you will benefit. This is one way to begin to love yourself and thus, to create powerful, loving feelings.

It took me years to accept my worthiness. But I am so happy to have made the change in my life. The time I spent improving my self-worth was so worth it. Now I have something to show for it. I have a healthy dose of self-love and a deep belief in my worthiness.


Ask for What you Want and Believe it is Done


Ask for what you want and believe it is done. Do this because you are creating all the time. Therefore you may as well create a lovely day rather than a lousy one. Create a lovely life rather than a lousy one.

While you’re at it create self-love. Ask the Universe to send you avenues to help you along. Help will come in the form of people and circumstances. Resources will attract you to them, books, blogs, tv shows, all in order to help you.

We all deserve the best life has to offer. You are no different. Continue to ask for what you want, believe it is done for you. Cash in on what the Law of Attraction has for you and enjoy the process of receiving.


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