LOA: Ask for What you Want

Ask for What you Want

We Send out our Frequency


Ask for what you want, because if you don’t, chances are you will get what you don’t want.

Every day in every moment of your wakeful hours, you are having feelings and emotions. The only time you are not sending waves of energy is when you are asleep.

You already know that everything in existence is made of atoms. I remember learning this in grade school. We were also taught that these atoms are in constant motion and creating energy.

The human body, out thoughts and emotions are also things, so they also create within us, frequencies and vibrations. So we all have our own vibration going on and it is being emitted out into the universe. Some of us pick up on this stuff very easily. I usually know very quickly if I want to be around an other person or if I don not want to. So do all of us, including you. Some of us may be more in tune to it, but we all have that ability.


You Send out your Frequency

You send out your frequency with every thought, feeling, and emotion. Therefore you are always sending out information to the LoA about what you want to attract. This is why it is so important to ask for what you want and to focus on it as though you already have it. Do not focus on not having it because that is a negative emotion, and you will receive more lack in that area.

Your frequency will alert the LoA to what you want to attract, weather you believe it or not. Because you are sending out a frequency, the law has no choice but to respond to your frequency.

The Loa is like the law of gravity, it does what it does, no matter what. Gravity is always doing what it is meant to do.


It is Essential to be Aware of Your Feelings, Thoughts, and Emotions

Being aware of your, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, gives you the ability to attract into your life what you want.

Being aware allows you to change the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that no longer serve you. In other words, if you use anger to get what you want and others no longer respect you, stop it.

Anger is a negative frequency and when you use it, you push others away. You also attract more anger into your life. The anger you produce and the anger others are experiencing towards you. It will come back to you no matter what. It may also come in different forms that you don’t expect. Like attracts like.


Focus on What you Want

You must ask for what you want and focus on what you want. You cannot attract what you want by focusing on things you don’t want. The more you focus and make clear what you want, the easier it will be to attract it into your reality.

Once you ask for what you want it is up to you to be aware of your thoughts. You begin to focus on what you want by acting as though you already have what you want. The LoA has already supplied for what you want. Kind of like it is being held in escrow, or perhaps in a bank, waiting for you to pick it up. However, it will not be delivered to you until you are ready to receive it.

Some people for example, may desire a mansion. However, they don’t have the funds to pay for the taxes, or the upkeep. They may be afraid that others will be jealous of their mansion. This could also cause friction between family and friends. Until they are able to stop the worry about these issues, the mansion will not come. A great deal of these feelings may be subconscious, so one has to dig down to find any hidden feelings.

The more positivity you emit, the more benefits you reap.


Your Job is to Keep up a Positive Frequency

Keeping up a positive frequency is about thinking about the things that make you happy and feeling good. I personally focus on gratitude to keep my frequency in check. It always works for me no matter what is going on around me. Somehow it makes me feel “physically” happy. The feeling some of us feel when we are overjoyed or excited about something. That feeling in the pit of the stomach of pure elation. I love to bask in that feeling as often as I can.

Walking helps me to have a positive outlook on life, so I indulge in the activity two or three times a day. Especially if I am caught up in some difficult situation. Walking in nature just seems to wash away the negativity I feel within.

This ability didn’t happen over night, it developed with practice. It has and still is changing my life for the better.


What I ask For

What I ask for may not be the norm, but it is primarily what I want in my life. I want to be happy, joyful, healthy, and free from stress and worrying. There is a need to improve my relationships with the people I care for. I also want very much to accept people for who they choose to be.

For as long as I can remember I had a rough time to love myself. Therefore, I manifested love for myself. I choose to love myself just the way I am. I worked on it by feeling good, positive thoughts and eventually the change happened.

As a consequence I no longer take things as personally as I used to. I often ask myself if the things people say to me are true. Most of the time those things are beliefs that come from their domestication and rarely have anything to do with who I truly am. It is just another’s perspective of what they believe about me.

Ever since I asked for the changes I wanted to manifest in my life, I rarely, if ever, have those negative experiences from others.

So what do you want for yourself. Ask for that. Ask for the help you need to manifest it. the blessings will follow.


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