LOA: How to Keep Feeling Good




LOA: How to Keep Feeling Good


How to keep feeling good is a required topic associated with LOA. It is to help you understand the importance of feeling good and how to generate good feelings. Feeling good is what keeps your frequency in line with your desires. This is how your thoughts, which are vibrational, creates your world.

If you can keep yourself feeling good, you create stronger vibrational waves for the LOA to work with.

There is no need to constantly focused on what you want to make you feel happy. This may even impede your ability to manifest what you want as you may be focused on not having it. Which is a negative frequency. Instead, choose anything that moves you into feeling good, and that which “keeps” you feeling good.

Be grateful for all the things you already have. The more you do this, the stronger the momentum of feeling good grows. There is no way you can feel bad if you are feeling grateful and listing all those things.


You Will Feel a Shift Take Place When you Keep Feeling Good

Things Will Begin to Change Because you Keep Feeling Good


You will feel a shift take place within your being when you move from feeling bad to feeling good.

The more you work on recognize how those feelings and emotions cause your body to react, you will never forget it. This will become your guidance to changing your frequency for the better.

Manifesting stuff is wonderful and fun, but manifesting feeling good is “through the roof” wonderful! When you keep feeling good and you own it, fewer things come along that bother you. Negative things will still come along in your life, but you will no longer feel as bad. And your reactions will be more subdued. The power of your good feelings will override mostly everything.

Things will begin to change for you as you keep feeling better. Even the people around you will sometimes change. Personally, I feel it to be magical. Not something I expected to happen especially to those around me. I have concluded that it is my calmness, peacefulness, and my desire to be nonreactive, that helps cause a shift in others.

We cannot manifest for other people. Therefore, if the people who surround us are changing for the better, it is not “we” who are changing them. We are either not seeing what used to bother us. Or, perhaps we are affecting a change because “we” are changing how we behave. However, they may also waking up to wanting to change.


Locating That Happy Frequency


Are you aware of the things that make you feel good, happy, peaceful and joyful? If so, this is a great place to begin locating that happy frequency.

Think about these things and how they look, smell, taste, sound and feel. Close your eyes and think, be as clear and as precise as you can. If what you are focused on is truly something you believe brings you happiness, then go there to feel good.

Your happiness frequency will rise and you want to keep yourself there. Try it for at least 10 to 15 seconds. I could hardly hold this feelings for 5 to 7 seconds at first. However, with much practice, I can hold it for minutes. I know how to bring it to me very easily and can hold on to it.

The frequency gets so high that I feel as though I must be glowing. I had one experience that I literally thought I was going to take flight. I was actually afraid. Now, I hope it happens again!


Some People are Skeptical About the LOA

Give the LOA a Try


I know some people, if not most, are skeptical about the LOA, however, I am not one of those people. I know from experience that the law is real. It has changed my life significantly. I have changed for being a sad, depressed, angry, and confused individual. Now, I am excited, eager, happy and an enlightened being. And I am far from being finished on this journey.

This has been the most amazing, magical, and spiritual experience of my life. Furthermore, I know without a doubt that so much more is yet to come.

This can be your journey as well, if you choose it.


Give the LOA a Try


Give the LOA a try. Even if in the beginning it’s just about feeling good about yourself and life. If your words and actions help you become happier and you see results in the people around you….wow! That in itself is powerful.

Somewhere down the road you may want to test other manifestations. Money, relationships, travelling, and all other things that are important to you. By then, you will know how to keep your frequency high for those manifestations to take hold.

I have learned not to talk about the LOA to other people who don’t believe in it’s existence. There is no need nor want for negativity and/or skepticism. These people will only cast a shadow on your excitement and joy. So, unless you have someone who believes in the LOA as you do, keep it under guard.

What I want from the LOA, I already have in abundance. I am happy, peaceful, joyful, and I have an acceptance of life for what it is. I want to fine tune this even more as these thigs are the most important things in my life.

The other material things that I want will come when I am ready receive them. I am constantly grateful for all I have. And for now, it is enough.



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