LOA: Why you Must Learn to Love Yourself

Why you Must Learn to Love Yourself


You want the Law of Attraction to be a positive force in your life, right? Then, you must learn to love yourself. It is essential.

The LOA is always working in your life whether you know it or not. It also works whether you like it or not. There is no getting away from it. You manifest everything in your life, therefore, you are the only one responsible for what happens to you.

If you do not love yourself, you will not be kind to yourself, in deed or in  thought. When you learn to listen to your self-talk and your thoughts, you will know what you feel about yourself.

Take 3 sessions of about 5 minutes per session, per day to. Sit quietly, and just become aware of your thoughts and your self-talk. Do not try to control them, and allow the thoughts and self-talk to flow. Just be present and observe them and take note of how they make you feel.

You will most likely observe a great deal on negativity, some teachers say that 3/4 of our thoughts are negative.

This negativity is attracting into your life more negativity. Since the LOA is based on “like attracting like”, it will bring you more. The LOA does not know what you are attracting. It just gives to you the same vibrational message you send out. Happy, sad, calm, angry, it matters not, what matters is what you are focused on.

This is why you must learn to love yourself.


How to Love Yourself


Learning to love yourself is very simple. At least this worked very well for me. Think about the people you love most in your life, and about how you treat them. Now, treat yourself the same way.

When you love others you respect them. Hopefully you are kind to them, generous, and you are never cruel to them. It is most likely that you are your very best self around them.

Perhaps you are a parent and you love your child beyond measure. Maybe you have fallen-in-love, and you are surprised to discover how much love you have to give away. These are examples of the amount of love you hold inside, now give some of it to yourself. You won’t use it all up on yourself. Love is one of those things you can give away and you get back in abundance.

Do you believe those people you love deserve to have everything they desire? Would you not provide for them all of their desires if you could? I Know I would. 

For example, if my grandchildren each wanted a star, I would do everything in my power to give them their desires. Now, I believe that if they deserve each a star, I also deserve a star. Why? Because I am learning to love myself as well.


Why you Need to Love Yourself


You need to love yourself if you want God/Source/The Universe, to bring to you your desires. This will be more likely to happen if you have a healthy dose of self-love. You will only believe that you deserve what you want when you love yourself. You will attract to yourself what you are focused upon.

Did you try taking 5 minutes to observe your thoughts and self-talk? During that time, did you even once, tell yourself how loving , how beautiful, how generous, how intelligent, and how wonderful you are? I doubt you did. If not, you are not focused on self love.

If you do not love yourself it is going to be very difficult to manifest what you want. You must convince yourself that you deserve the things you desire. Love, joy, peace, health, wealth and, abundance. If you do not believe that you deserve these things, you will get the opposite. At best however, your life will just remain as it is now.

Therefor, If you are happy with things as they are, great! However, you want the LOA to work in your favour, so that you can manifest a better life for yourself. Love will help get you there. You must learn to love yourself.


Begin the Process now

Learn to Love Yourself


Begin the process now. Learn to love yourself. While you are doing this, pay attention to your thoughts and self-talk. When you see or hear negativity change the pattern to something positive, or at least try your best. 

Also put the LOA into positive action for yourself. Use your imagination and visualize what you want to manifest, as clearly as possible.

Perhaps focus on one specific thing. Do not speak to anyone about what you are doing. This will not help you unless it is someone who believes in the power of the LOA. You still should not share what you are doing. You do not want anyone to discourage you.

Picture what you want 2 or 3 times a day, like in a daydream. Five or 6 minutes at a time is enough, as long as you are being clear. Do this before you go to sleep and on waking up to begin a new day. 

Believe and it shall be given.




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