Why we Should be Taking Responsibility for the Things we Care About. Part 2

  Responsibility in Relationships     Responsibility in relationships are essential to, our children, spouse/mate, friends, and others that matter to us. And this is why we should be taking responsibility as a serious matter. This post coves a few very important points to consider when we find ourselves in a responsible situation. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many other things to consider when others...

Why we Should be Taking Responsibility for the Things we Care About. Part 1

    Taking Responsibility for the Things we Care About We are Bound to Make Mistakes Taking responsibility for the things we care about is an essential aspect of being a human being. Responsibility is defined as; something for which one is responsible, a duty, obligation, or burden.  When I think about responsibility, these are the things that come to mind. For example, self, others, the environment, and other causes we may have. I...

We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be. Part 2

We Choose our Flaws   We choose our flaws, and we are responsible for them.  I learned a wonderful lesson about 25 years ago. I was always attracted to the nicest looking guys, the ones I thought were near perfect. I thought this one guy was the handsomest, sweetest guy I had ever known. He kept giving me these flirty little smiles, he was so cute. And from being around him, I thought he was a really nice guy too. Then one night I...

We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be Part 1

            What are Character Flaws? What are character flaws? They are undesirable qualities that we integrate into our lives. Eventually, they become part of our personality. However, they are not about our physical features, because, we were created perfectly. Physical flaws are only an opinion, and subjective to all individuals. Nevertheless, don't ever take someone's opinion of you to be the truth, it is only an opinion. What I...

We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be Part 3

  We may Have Character Flaws but we are not Flawed We may have character flaws but we are not flawed. Yes, we may have character faults but we choose those faults. We all have faults because we choose to have them. What are faults, lying, cheating, being disrespectful, accusatory, being stubborn, not wanting to admit to being wrong, yes! And guess what? There are plenty more. What are yours? We are all created perfectly no matter what...

Why Trust is Vital in a Relationship Part 3

      We are the ones who Have Lost the Trust   We are the ones who have lost the trust of another person. And perhaps we have lost the trust of most people we know. The people who we love and who love us, and now we need to rebuild that trust. Know that it will not happen over night. When we hurt a lot of people with our lies and let downs, we have a lot of repair work to do. Therefore, there is a need to be committed to...

Why Trust is Vital in a Relationship Part 2

  Why Trust is Vital Building Trust Takes Time   Why trust is vital and how to build it. Building trust takes time especially when we have been hurt in the past. However, it is an essential part of any good relationship and an integral asset to a good mental health. Trust begins in infancy, babies need to experience being loved, cared for, cuddled, fed etc. They need this if they are to grow and develop in a healthy fashion. People...

Why Trust is Vital in a Relationships Part 1

            Trust is Vital to a Relationship Trust is vital to a relationship and I happen to know what a relationship is without trust. It's never ending misery. Every time my partner went out the door, I never knew for sure where he was going. Even when he told me where he was going I wondered, was he really going to work. Was he really working late, was he even at work? And if he wasn't at work, where was he? If it...

Why Laughter is a Benefit to our Lives. Part 2

Laughter Benefits our Lives Laughter benefits our lives and laughter almost always makes me feel better. It just feels good to laugh, and it keeps me feeling good long after the laughter subsides. Perhaps due to the release of endorphins. It helps me to keep positive and relaxes me. When a conflict arises in a relationship, laughter helps everyone to lighten up. It adds joy and helps us to let go of our defenses, it’s easier then, to share...

Why Laughter is a Benefit to our Lives. Part 1

  Laughter is a Benefit to our Lives   Laughter is a benefit to our lives for many reasons, such as stress relief, boosts our mood, diminishes pain, and supports our mental health, just to name a few.  It has been my experience, to find many benefits to my life when laughter becomes a part of my every day. When I experience stress in my life it causes physical pain. Spending time laughing with a friend or watching something comical...