We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be. Part 2

We Choose our Flaws


We choose our flaws, and we are responsible for them. 

I learned a wonderful lesson about 25 years ago. I was always attracted to the nicest looking guys, the ones I thought were near perfect. I thought this one guy was the handsomest, sweetest guy I had ever known. He kept giving me these flirty little smiles, he was so cute. And from being around him, I thought he was a really nice guy too.

Then one night I overheard him telling someone he didn’t know who I was. He was cute all right and so sweet, so much so, that he was full of himself. Once I got to know him a bit better I saw where he treated a lot of girls the same way he had treated me. I thus began to see him in a different light, like a cake in fact. He was covered in icing, in sickeningly sweet icing, but like any cake, there was no useful substance. I got over him really fast.


Looks are Only Skin Deep

We Have to Look at  a Person’s Integrity and Personality

Looks are only skin deep. Just because the face and the body appear to be flawless, doesn’t mean that the personality fits the outside appearance. These are our bodies so we can choose to enjoy what we have. Also, we are able to choose how we behave. If we have flaws in how we behave, it is because we choose our flaws. 

People who live with integrity and respect for themselves and others, are very attractive. 

I choose to look beyond the face, the body, the fake personality, the clothes, and the job. Not always though, I still struggle with that stuff, but not like I did when I was younger. The outside appearances are just that, appearances. The real person is underneath all that stuff. Some are real, and others struggle with who and what they are.

My hope for them is that they find themselves, that they discover the natural beauty of who they really are. I hope they can learn to love themselves as they appear, and to accept the fact that others love them for who and what they are. Smart people know that looks are only skin deep and that personality flaws are chosen. 


The Importance of Being Yourself

The importance of being yourself is that your true beauty shines through. I love looking at beautiful people, pretty as pictures, and they are even more attractive when their personalities match. If their personalities don’t match their outside appearance, it shows, and that is a turn off. Other people I know are not very attractive and have amazing personalities, their spirits shine through. This adds beauty to these people and they are the people I want to be with. The outside appearance just fades away. 

Drop the acts and be yourself. Let your spirit shine through.



Link to; We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be. Part 3

 Link to; We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be. Part 1

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