We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be Part 3


We may Have Character Flaws but we are not Flawed

We may have character flaws but we are not flawed. Yes, we may have character faults but we choose those faults. We all have faults because we choose to have them. What are faults, lying, cheating, being disrespectful, accusatory, being stubborn, not wanting to admit to being wrong, yes! And guess what? There are plenty more. What are yours?
We are all created perfectly no matter what anyone has to say about us, we are perfection. Yes, we have faults, but we don’t want to admit to them most of the time. We certainly don’t seem to mind pointing them out in other people though. If and when something goes wrong, as they often do, we often blame other people.
For instance, if we’re late, we blame the kids for not moving more quickly, or our spouse for not helping. Then the traffic for being too slow, the alarm clock, or someone forgot to wake us up. If we hear a message in the wrong context – we blame the messenger. When we burn dinner, we blame our spouse for not fixing the oven. Perhaps we left dinner in the oven for too long. Because, we were busy watching TV or playing on the computer. You know what I mean—don’t you?
These are not inborn faults, we choose them. We back them up instead of working on changing our attitudes. We were born into perfection.


We all Recognize our Flaws



We all recognize our own flaws. I know mine really well. I rush, so I get things wrong. I’m fussy, so I take too long to accomplish a task. Sometimes I don’t listen properly, so I get the message wrong. Talking too much? Yes, and I end up causing problems for myself and others.
Being impatient causes me to interrupt people when they are talking. It is because I think they’re taking too long to finish what they are saying. And I just have to get my stuff out there, because what I have to say is much more important. My low self-esteem causes me to blame others, and I think to myself, they don’t love me enough. And the list continues. 
This is not a flaw that I was born with, I created it, it is a character flaw. And I allowed it to continue, even when I knew I was wrong.



We are not Flawed

I Have Learned Along the way



We are not flawed, however, we do have character flaws. I have learned along the way to look at them, and to be truly honest about them. And to take responsibility for what I do to cause problems for myself and others in my life. As a result, I fix what can be fixed and I take control of what I can change in my life.
When I catch myself blaming someone else for a problem I caused, I stop it in its tracks. Then, I apologize to the person I have falsely accused. I am not saying this is easy. Apologizing for something we knowingly we are guilty for, can be agonizing.
Yes, I still get it wrong much too often, however, I am slowly getting there. I like myself much better these days and I no longer feel sorry for myself. And this is because I have learned that taking responsibility for my actions is quite liberating.
If we can take a even one flaw and work to get rid of it, that is one step in the right direction.





Link to; We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be Part 1

Link to; We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be Part 2



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