We are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be Part 1





What are Character Flaws?

What are character flaws? They are undesirable qualities that we integrate into our lives. Eventually, they become part of our personality. However, they are not about our physical features, because, we were created perfectly. Physical flaws are only an opinion, and subjective to all individuals. Nevertheless, don’t ever take someone’s opinion of you to be the truth, it is only an opinion.
What I see as a physical flaw may also be seen as something positive when seen from another person’s perspective. As they say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. When I was younger, I saw myself as being ugly, unlike others, who thought I was very pretty. In someone’s eyes out there, you are perfection.




A List of Familiar Character Flaws

  • Abusive
  • Arrogant
  • Aggressive
  • Belligerent
  • Boring
  • Cheater
  • Childish
  • Cruel
  • Dishonest
  • Egoistic
  • Foolish
  • Gossipy
  • Greedy
  • Inauthentic
  • Inconsiderate
  • Judgmental
  • Liar
  • Short-tempered
  • Spoiled
  • Stubborn

These are all examples of character flaws, and as you can see, just a short list. If you see yourself as exhibiting any of these flaws, you may want to eliminate a few, if not all. Remember, you were not born with these flaws, you picked them up along the way. Now, you van drop them and replace them with more positive qualities.



Most of us see Imperfection in Our Personhood


Most of us see imperfections in our personhood, fortunately, I doubt others see them within us. I truly appreciate flaws in others, although, I have so many of my own. Therefore, I feel like I belong in the universe, I am just like everybody else. It’s nice to tell people who complain about their flaws that they makes them unique. 



Some attractive people sometimes become egotistical about their looks. Perhaps that goes a bit too far. This isn’t something that the society I live in, appreciates, while, others may bask in it. I do believe we are perfectly created, but we don’t need to be egotistical about it. 


I love those flaws because those are the things that make us who we are. The things that make us unique. People see things in me that they consider beautiful while I see them as things I wish I could change. People love me (or dislike me) for who I am, and I am working on trying to accept me this way too, the good, the bad and the ugly.


Look for the Beauty in People


Look for the beauty in people. I love to see the beauty in everyone. A person’s eyes, the color of their hair, the structure of a face, their nose, their teeth, whatever. There is always something unique and beautiful to focus on. I lost some of that along the way somewhere. I was criticized for it a few times. And I guess I didn’t have enough self-esteem to hold on to the ability to recognize beauty  in others.  I am working on finding that ability again and telling others when I see beauty in them.




How I Used to see Myself and my Character Flaws

This is how I used to see myself. When I looked in the mirror, all I ever saw, was an ugly image looking back at me. I hated that face and all its flaws. Consequently, I hated my body even more. There was no way I could find even one nice thing to say about myself. I didn’t care too much for my character flaws either. I felt I was too sensitive, selfish, childish, and inauthentic.


somewhere along the way I began to see some beauty in me. Actually, they were similar marks and flaws that I appreciated in everyone else. There was a time when I couldn’t take a compliment, but, I now accept and appreciate them.


People love me, they genuinely love me for who I am, and as a consequence, life is so much simpler. Therefore, I no longer spend so much time focusing on the negative, because, now I see who I really am. The face flaws, the body flaws, the personality flaws, are not necessarily seen as flaws by others. It all depends on how I look at these things, and how I judge them to be. Being happier has become so much easier because, I have stopped comparing myself to other people.



Working on my Character Flaws

I am working on my character flaws, and, as a result, I see myself as being created perfectly. However, not in an egoistical way, but in a loving way. These days I look at my character flaws and I work on changing them. That’s what really counts, not my face or my body. They just happen to be the package I was created in, and I have learned to love and appreciate them. You can do the same for yourself.


Link to; WE are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be. Part 2 

Link to; WE are not Flawed Unless we Choose to be. Part 3

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