Why Laughter is a Benefit to our Lives. Part 2

Laughter Benefits our Lives

Laughter benefits our lives and laughter almost always makes me feel better. It just feels good to laugh, and it keeps me feeling good long after the laughter subsides. Perhaps due to the release of endorphins. It helps me to keep positive and relaxes me. When a conflict arises in a relationship, laughter helps everyone to lighten up. It adds joy and helps us to let go of our defenses, it’s easier then, to share our true feelings. 

At times when my mate and I cannot agree on an issue it causes sadness or negative emotions to crop up. Laughter seems to turn everything around, it isn’t easy to remain upset when you’re busy laughing. No, it will not fix the issue at hand, but it will lessen the tension between you. Laughter benefits our lives when we use it to lighten things up.



Laughter Helps to Strengthen our Relationships

Laughter is not Always Appropriate



Laughter helps strengthen our relationships, by helping us to get past disagreements, conflicts and everyday irritations. Laughter helps us to come together and to get rid of anger buildup. It helps us to reconnect and gives us time to think about what we are doing to one another. I am not suggesting that laughter will suddenly fix our conflicts, but it will help to diffuse a rocky situation.
It is also important to understand how to use humor in serious situations. We have to be aware of how the other person is feeling and to make sure that humor and laughter is appropriate or not. I have personally been in situations when the other has used laughter against me to try to diffuse a situation. It has sometimes crashed because it was not the time or the way to help us.
Some people use laughter to cover up what they are feeling. Perhaps they are having a difficult time trying to stop the discussion they find themselves in. Before you use humor make sure you know why you are doing so. For example, are you using it just to get in a dig at the other, in order to hurt them? Are your jokes at the expense of the other’s feelings, making the conflict even worse.
I love to laugh, but not if it is about hurting me in the middle of a serious discussion. I don’t appreciate the other person making snide, hurtful remarks at my expense. Be kind in your remarks and be careful how you use laughter and humor during serious discussions.


Creating opportunities to laugh;

Taking ourselves less seriously.
Laugh at ourselves.
Laughing at our situations a bit more, lighten up a bit.
Smile more.
Count our blessings more often.
Tell or listen to jokes more often.
Ask to be tickled.
Bring more humor into our conversations.
Recall humorous events and share them where appropriate.
Seek out more comedy on TV.
Check out the humor section at the bookstore. Bring home some funny stuff to keep on the coffee table or on the bedside table.
Try being silly once in a while….appropriately of course.
♥ Seek out happy people to be around.



Link to; Laughter is a Benefit to our Lives. Part 1

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