Why Trust is Vital in a Relationships Part 1







Trust is Vital to a Relationship

Trust is vital to a relationship and I happen to know what a relationship is without trust. It’s never ending misery. Every time my partner went out the door, I never knew for sure where he was going. Even when he told me where he was going I wondered, was he really going to work. Was he really working late, was he even at work? And if he wasn’t at work, where was he?

If it wasn’t work it was shopping, visiting a friend, going on a business trip, it didn’t matter. I could never trust what he was telling me. It was a nightmare.

To trust someone means you can rely on them to be honest. Also to be there for you, and to be loyal. Without trust it is very difficult to love someone. Therefore, trust is vital to a relationship if it is to last.


Trust Within the Family and With Friends

Trust is vital and if you cannot trust your partner, or your friends, it’s going to be a tough ride. You better think twice before you get too deeply involved with someone you cannot trust. If you can’t trust a family member, too bad, we have great relatives and lousy ones. We’re kind of stuck with them.

So we learn not to tell them things we don’t want passed on to others. We don’t lend them stuff we want back and seriously think about never lending them money. We can be up front with them, and we know if we can depend on them or not. But relationships out side family is different. As they say “We can choose our friends, but we can’t choose our family”.

Basically, if you can’t trust someone you’ll never really be happy in a relationship with them. Therefore, don’t sweat it, move on to other people who you know will be loyal.

Some of the Reasons I Choose Not to Trust Certain People

Some of the reasons I choose not to trust certain people;

1. They have lied to me, big mistake. Once someone lies to me and I catch them in that lie, I think twice before I trust them again. I’ll never forget the lie, therefore I will be skeptical as to whether I should believe them or not.

2. Once someone has cheated on me, never again shall I ever give that person a second chance. I have come to believe, that if someone cheats once, chances are, they will do it again.

3. Someone has broken a promise, ok, so we all do it once in a while. However, I now believe that if I can’t keep a promise, I don’t make it to begin with. I make sure to let people know how I feel about promises and I expect them to do the same for me.

4. Perhaps they have broken a confidence. Now, because I trusted them, I am paying the price and so are other people. Today, if I can’t repeat something about another to their face, I keep it to myself. Life is so much easier this way.


Perhaps we Need to Learn to Trust Again


Perhaps we need to learn to trust again, even when people have lied, cheated, and, broken a confidence etc. We can get into relationships  even though we have been badly hurt in the past . We cannot live our lives based on passed experiences with other people who have wronged us. However, we should learn from our mistakes and think twice before we allow others to treat us badly again.

We should remember that every person is different. Unless we know someone is untrustworthy, then they need to be given a chance in life based on who they are, not on someone you once knew who wronged you. I choose to be careful when I get involved with others and test the waters before I give it my all. I make sure they know my standards. If they choose to disrespect my standards, that is their choice. There are some things I will not tolerate.


Link to; Why Trust is Vital to a Relationships Part 2

Link to; Why Trust is Vital to a Relationships Part 3

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