LOA: Why is the law not Working for me?


The law is not Working

Why is the law not working for me? The first reason, is probably because you do not really believe in the law. Second reason is because you do not believe in yourself. The third, is because you have doubts, and the the fourth, is because you do not believe that you deserve it. It is not enough to ask, you have to believe in the law and in yourself.

You do not Believe in the Law

You came across the Law of Attraction and you thought you would give it a shot. After all, there are loads of people who are attracting tons of money, properties, love, health and so on. It seems easy enough so you try it too.

You gave it a real shot, kept your focus on it for days, weeks and perhaps for months on end. But you still have nothing to show for it. Now you no longer believe in the law. But you keep trying with absolutely no results.

 You tell everyone who will listen to you “the Law of Attraction does not work.


You do not Believe in Yourself

You decided to give the law a try but deep down inside you really didn’t believe in yourself. You believed that you would not be able to manifest anything.

You tried to anyway, but as you thought, it didn’t work out. So you began telling yourself, ” I cannot do anything right, so the law does not work for me”. Therefore this is what you manifested. The law does not work for me. It’s what you said, it’s what you believe deep down. Therefore, the law works perfectly.


You Have Doubts

You have asked for what you want. You have imagined what that is in a perfect picture, your vision feels real. You believe it will happen for you. Then you wait for a few days, a few weeks, and maybe a few months. You keep reminding the Universe what you have asked for, just in case it has forgotten about your request. But nothing comes.

However, I am willing to bet that, throughout most of this time, your mind was filled with doubts. Just feeling as though you have to keep reminding the Universe, is doubt within itself. So, what you are saying is, “it hasn’t happened yet, this is never going to happen. I am wasting my time. The LoA is a farce”.

Your mind is filled with doubts. Some of these thoughts you notice, and some are subconscious. All these doubts are cancelling all the good work you have already done. The work was started as soon as you asked, but your doubts cancelled your belief in manifestation. 


You do not Believe you Deserve What you Want

The Law is not Working 

Isn’t this the truth? You truly do not believe you deserve what you want. Perhaps you have never learned to love yourself. Maybe not getting what you want is what you’re used to. Some people were thought that it is sinful to ask for what you want. 

Therefore, you come to the conclusion that you do not deserve what you want. Your beliefs are manifesting what you focus on and on what you believe you deserve. Not getting what you want. This is your belief, therefore, this is what you are manifesting, the nothing you believe you deserve.


The Law is not Working

The reason why the law is not working as you think it should, is simple. It is because of all  of these doubts and beliefs. They are so much stronger than in the belief that you are able to manifest what you want.

We are all constantly manifesting, always. Even if we are not aware of this, even if we don not believe that we are. We are not aware that we are manifesting what is going on in our thoughts. Our doubts, our lack of belief in ourselves, and in the law of attraction. 


Become Aware of Your Thoughts

My Personal Life Changed

Once I realized what I was doing to jeopardize my manifestations, I began to change what I was thinking. I also made changes in what I wanted to manifest.

I started making notes about what I was thinking and feeling, what I was focused on most of the time. Then, I realized my mind was full of doubt about the law and about myself. Because of this, I became aware that I did not believe that I deserved what I wanted to manifest.. Therefore, my list of desires changed.

For the longest time I wanted, money, land and a cottage. IT did not happen for me. Therefore I changed my list. I decided what I truly wanted was self love, to believe in myself, to be joyful and at peace. 

My Personal Life Changed

As my feelings and thoughts began to change I also began to manifest what I truly wanted. My desire for self love, joy and peace are manifesting and becoming my constant companions. The LOA was not working, but it is now.

 I work on these things every day and I make conscious decisions to manifest them. 

The money, land and cottage are no longer as important as I thought they were. I have come to realize that deep down, I believed that these material things would bring me self love, joy and peace. Perhaps they would have for a time, but material things don’t bring everlasting love, joy or peace. They will only last as long as the next desire comes along. 

I hope you find self love, joy and peacefulness in your life. I know that once you have truly found these things that the manifesting will become much easier to accomplish. Without the doubts messing thins up for you, there will be no limits to what you can do.

I no longer say “the law is not working for me”. It is working.

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