Source is Within us and Always There to Help us.


Source Within us

“At the center of your bring you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” Lao Tzu

Source is within us, and I believe I have always known this and I believe we all do. I know Source has always been with me and I know It always will be. I have lived most of my life being not wise enough to communicate with It. Until a certain time when I realized it was mostly always during times of troubles.

However, I decided I wanted to learn to communicate more fully. And also wanted to create a more intimate relationship with Source. It takes time to learn this skill but it can be done, so do it. Every day, I communicate, ask questions and discuss what my purpose is here on earth.


Learning to Meditate

I have tried to learn to meditate many times but never gave myself enough time to grasp it. However, the day came when it was time to make a change, so I did. Now I meditate every day two or three times a day, and it is going very well.

There are so many teachers available to help you get started., and so many different ways of doing this. I found a process that works really well for me and something out there will work for you as well. The system I use is simple and effective.

I have also started writing out the conversations I have with my inner self. Writing slows down the process of listening. Also, I don’t miss out on anything because I can go back and read each conversation. I believe that tiny, quiet inner voice that we hear, but rarely listen to is our connection to Source.

It is our source of wisdom that we all have, but continue to ignore. This is because many of do not believe that Source would never speak to us. However, now I know differently.


Source Speaks to me

Source speaks to me, is within me, and speaks to you and is within you. Without a doubt, Source is within all humans and is always waiting to communicate with all of us. It is important to make time each day, even for 10 minutes a couple of times per day. We can teach ourselves to hear that voice more clearly. All the knowledge we need is available to us. It just takes a bit of time to learn to receive it.

IT all comes with practice. At first it just seems that it’s just all made up in our minds. But, so what if it is? We all have wisdom within us, so why not access it by learning to listen to our inner voice? Listening is a way to capture what is within.

Source is Within us

Source is within us. Therefore, it’s a good idea to begin asking questions and noting what is being said. There is communication between the person that you are and the spiritual side of you. You may as well access it.


Keeping Notes

Keeping notes will help you to recognize the progress you are making. Some things will blow your mind and you will wonder where the words came from. They are coming from your own wisdom, your very own access to Source.

When I take time to communicate, find a quiet place somewhere, and I sit with paper and pencil in hand. I also meditate for about 10 to 15 minutes before I begin the process, just to be more relaxed. For a while I began by asking the questions first. I eventually shifted to allowing Source to begin the conversations. It makes no difference, one works as well as the other. It is all about your preference. You can also ask Source what It prefers.

Be patient. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and believe that your answers are coming from Source. I am convinced that you will eventually be pleasantly surprised to experience how much wisdom you will experience.


We are a Vessel for Source

We are a vessel for Source to live in. This allows Source to be able to experience being human because Source is spirit. Source is us. We are Source. Source is closer to us than our very skin. We breathe Source into us and It flows through us constantly. Just because we are not aware of this doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

many years ago I was given a vision of Source. Believe me, Source/God, is not an old man sitting up in the clouds, judging our every move. Source is everything, and I mean everything. Words cannot describe what I was shown, so I cannot describe It to you.

One day you may be gifted with your own vision , something that is created just for you. Created for your own level of understanding.


Keep This Practice to Yourself

My recommendation to you, is to keep this practice to yourself. You may be thought to be a bit unhinged. Unless it is  someone who understands your new practice, just keep it to yourself for a while. You are not crazy. People do not always accept things that are new to them.

You own your own wisdom. You may as well learn to use it. Ask yourself questions and answer them with your own words. Eventually you may hear a voice from within that is clearly not yours. Do not be afraid, you will most likely feel a sense of peacefulness when it happens.

Do not waste your time wondering where it came from. It will be coming from Source, from within. Therefore, you will be amazed to hear the wisdom that comes forth. It is your gift. Cherish it.


Image by Spirit111 and by Pixabay







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