LOA: How to Change Inner Thoughts and Self Talk



What is Your Inner Voice Saying to you?

What you Say Matters


What you say matters. The unconscious mind is constantly chattering in the background of your mind. This chatter may be a bit more difficult to catch, but you can train yourself to do so.

At some point in your day, perhaps even now, set a timer to go off when you have 5 minutes to yourself. And when it goes off, stop what you are doing. Become conscious as to what you have been saying to yourself. You can also take notes once in a while as you do this. Keep a little notebook near by for when you have a few minutes to yourself. Jot down what comes to mind.


What you say Matters and What you Think Matters.


You will eventually find a pattern to your thoughts. They will reveal to you what you are mostly focused upon. You will eventually see a correlation between what you are thinking and how your  outer world is manifesting for you. Perhaps you will also recognize how you treat yourself with the words you speak to yourself. I was surprised to learn how nasty I was towards myself, hour after hour, and day after day.

Keep in mind that this chatter isn’t always about self, but about anybody and/or anything. Negative talk and thoughts are still negative, even if they are not about the self. Also they may seem to be about others, however, in the end, they are about self. You will be the main character in one way or another. What you say matters because it is always about you. They have an effect on you, better for you to be conscious of that communication so you can change it.

Once you are aware of this communication, you will now begin to take some control over this phenomenon. You can now take a negative thought and change it to something more positive or perhaps just let it go. We are all similar, we have endless conversations within our mind, and most of it is negative. You are not alone in this, but getting a handle on it a bit, will set you apart from others in a positive way.


Awareness Around Others


You will eventually begin to become aware of your thoughts and your words when you are in the company of others. I am. There is a benefit to watch my words and I am better able to be kinder to myself and others. Not as much  cutting myself down like I used to and I listen more than I talk. There is a lot less unsolicited advice coming from me. Therefore, I like myself much more and I think perhaps others do as well.

I am not perfect at this new behavior, but I am constantly improving. It’s all about practice.

No sense in being disrespectful towards yourself if you keep failing at this task. Just accept the fall, forget that it happened, and move on. I guarantee you will be making progress even if you don’t see it every day.


The Whole Idea is not to Stop Thinking and Using Words, but to Learn to

Control What you Think and Say.


Being human means that we have feelings and emotions. This is not about eliminating them, it is about being aware of them. It is also about your actions. It is about learning to control those thoughts and self talk. And about changing a negative habit to a positive one. 

You will eventually be amazed to recognize the changes that are taking place in your life. You will not be the only one benefitting when you become aware of your words. So will the people you associate with. You will become more loving, caring, less defensive, less reactive, and more conscious of your behavior. Others will see a change in you, and maybe even begin to treat you with more respect.


Manifesting a Joyful Me


Because I am so aware of my conscious and unconscious thoughts and self talk, I am so much happier. My world is constantly changing in subtle ways every day. I am manifesting more of the things I want, especially joy. It is wonderful to manifesting a joyful me.

I ask the Universe to help me to learn more, see more, and to experience more truth. Oh I fall every day, but I also get up much faster. Laughter comes much more easily. I just keep learning new and better ways to live a joyful life.

There are so many wonderful teachers that I have been led to, I can barely keep up. However, every one of them has given me reason to enjoy life more fully.

Because of them I see things I could never see before. I fully understand the visions I had many years ago. And I see my connection to this world more fully. It is so exciting to be alive.






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