Why we Feel Anger Towards Those we Love. Part 4


I Have Learned Along the Way


Anger towards those we love, hurts. I have learned along the way to try to change my way of thinking.  I knew I couldn’t change my feelings until I changed my mind. Changing my way of thinking doesn’t always take the anger away. But it always gives me time to think things through and always abates the anger. It gives me the ability to think straight and to communicate in a more relaxed and loving manner.

We have to stop being cruel to the most important people in our lives.


If You Have an Issue With Anger

If you have an issue with anger in your life and cannot control it, please seek out help, see a counselor, or go to anger management classes. Do what ever you have to do to get it under control. Anger has nothing to do with love, especially when it is out of control, it causes everyone pain and can be a source of abuse. Nobody deserves abuse, physical or verbal. If you see yourself as an angry person who hurts others, please, once again, get help. You can learn to deal with your issues and your relationships in a healthier more loving fashion.

Link to; Why we Feel Anger Towards Those we Love Part 1

Link to; Why we Feel Anger Towards Those we Love Part 2

Link to; Why we Feel Anger Towards Those we Love Part 3


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