The Importance of Showing Affection in our Lives. Part 1




The Importance of Affection and How we Show it in our Lives


The importance of affection and how how we show it in our lives is an important element. Affection helps us to feel happier and healthier. Affection is defined as; a tender feeling toward another, fondness. As humans are social creatures, and because we need one another, we also need to be shown affection. We need hugs, kisses, and the touch of other humans. Especially those from our loved ones and from those we hold dear.


Thinking about affection reminds me of the feelings I have for my loved ones. My children, family, best friends, partner and of course my grandchildren. It is more than a feeling of caring, it borders on a passionate feeling.
Their show of affection means the world to me, shows me I am cared for, valued, and important to them. My affection towards them conveys the same messages.
When I feel affectionate towards other people, I want to take care of them. Never do I wish to harm them. I want to spend time with them, and what we do doesn’t really matter as long as we are together. It also means that I want to be helpful towards them and I also want to protect them.

The Importance of Showing Affection.





The importance of showing affection is essential for a healthy physical and emotional existence. Parents of new born babies know how cuddling and tenderly touching their babies has a definite calming effect on them. Babies need to be nurtured, need skin too skin contact with the mother in order to bond properly. If these babies don’t get that affection it could and probably will effect their physical development. If the mother cannot do the cuddling someone has to do so for her, it doesn’t matter who, as long as they are shown to be loved.
Affection has been shown to add many beneficial aspects to our lives. For instance, I have seen reports stating that the benefits include, fewer bouts of depression, sadness, and anxiety. I personally feel an awful lot better in all those ways when people are showing me affection. When I am being hugged and kiss tenderly by a loved one I definitely feel much happier.

Link to; The Importance of Affection in our Lives. Part 2 




“Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection” Pindar

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