Color Breathing

  What is Color Breathing? Color breathing is a technique used to activate different forms of energy. It helps to remove negative energy and replaces it with positive energy. Perhaps someone feels stressed and overwhelmed, using the color green, as I do, has the effect of calming me down. This system is sometimes used for therapy both for adults and children. The terms used are color therapy and chromotherapy. It encourages focus on color...

Source is Within us and Always There to Help us.

  Source Within us "At the center of your bring you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want." Lao Tzu Source is within us, and I believe I have always known this and I believe we all do. I know Source has always been with me and I know It always will be. I have lived most of my life being not wise enough to communicate with It. Until a certain time when I realized it was mostly always during times of troubles....

Being Yourself and Loving it: Part 2

    Being Yourself and Loving it Journaling Will Help you in Your Journey Towards Being Yourself   Being yourself and loving it allows you to spend time on your own. You don't have to feel guilty about spending time journaling, walking, reading, and doing whatever else you want to do. Experience life on your own terms, doing for yourself the things you would gladly do for other people you love. In other words, love yourself as...