Being Yourself and Loving it: Part 2



Being Yourself and Loving it

Journaling Will Help you in Your Journey Towards Being Yourself


Being yourself and loving it allows you to spend time on your own. You don’t have to feel guilty about spending time journaling, walking, reading, and doing whatever else you want to do. Experience life on your own terms, doing for yourself the things you would gladly do for other people you love. In other words, love yourself as much as you love the people in your life.

Write about the things you discover about yourself as you experience these alone times. Note the observations you have about your good feelings, and what is good about your life. Also write about the negative things you learn  about what bothers you, write about the day ahead of you and how you would like it to be

Write about anything that suits your fancy, it is your journal so write about anything and everything that affects you. Journaling gives you an opportunity to organize your thoughts, therefore, helping you to clearly see where you are headed.

Journaling will also help you set up goals for yourself and give you direction in those areas. I personally use journaling when I am stressing or facing hard times. For instance, when I face making a decision and have no idea what to do writing brings me comfort. Certainly, writing brings calmness. Above all, it always helps me to make the best decisions possible for me.


Meditation can Help You on Your Journey


Meditation can help you on your journey to being yourself. Try meditation, although it is not for everyone, I have learned to appreciate its benefits. I know that many benefit from this activity.

It is about observing yourself in the moment and helping you to empty yourself of any worries and anxieties for a while. Meditation teaches you to relax and to be still, allowing you to see within and to connect with the essence of your true self.

Using meditation at bedtime often helps me to have a much better sleep. When I meditate in the morning before I get out of bed, it sets me up with a positive attitude for the day ahead.

There are tons of videos on YouTube directed to beginners, they are simple and last approximately 10 minutes. 


Find Books That Help You Along Your Journey


Find books that help you along your journey. Pick up books on self development. Don’t be afraid to read self-help books, even if they have a bad wrap. They are written by people who usually have a life time of experience in their specific field. Therefore, they have accumulated a wealth of valuable wisdom. 

Many of these books have questions that probe deeply inside to get you thinking. They will force you to think more critically about you and your life. These questions will help you to access your subconscious. Therein lies lots of information about your true self.

Be aware that when you start looking into your subconscious that it may cause you to see things you are not aware of on the surface. Some things you may not be especially proud of, or things that may frighten you. Be cautious and see a counselor if you feel the need for help.

I personally uncovered some issues and needed help getting past the rough spots. Some of it was too tough to go through alone. However, with help, I persisted and it was an amazing journey. I am truly glad that I did finally see the real me.

When you seriously begin the work you will often learn new things about yourself. You will eventually no longer be afraid to dig deep down when you need to do so.


Link to: Being Yourself and Loving it: Part 1

Link to: Being Yourself and Loving it: Part 3

Link to: Being Yourself and Loving it: Part 4



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