Why Trust is Vital in a Relationship Part 2

  Why Trust is Vital Building Trust Takes Time   Why trust is vital and how to build it. Building trust takes time especially when we have been hurt in the past. However, it is an essential part of any good relationship and an integral asset to a good mental health. Trust begins in infancy, babies need to experience being loved, cared for, cuddled, fed etc. They need this if they are to grow and develop in a healthy fashion. People...

Why Trust is Vital in a Relationships Part 1

            Trust is Vital to a Relationship Trust is vital to a relationship and I happen to know what a relationship is without trust. It's never ending misery. Every time my partner went out the door, I never knew for sure where he was going. Even when he told me where he was going I wondered, was he really going to work. Was he really working late, was he even at work? And if he wasn't at work, where was he? If it...

Love and Friendship Plus15 Highlights of a Perfect Friendship

    The Joys of Friendship. The joys of friendship are all about loyalty, sharing, honesty, laughter, trust and so much more. It is about never taking your friendship for granted. A list of 15 highlights of a perfect friendship is included. Oh, the joys of friendships, the long lasting kind. You know, the friend you can say anything to, you know you can, because this friend will not tell anyone else what you just told her and never...