LOA: Self-Doubt has to go if You Want to Manifest Your Desires

Self-Doubt Must go

Self-doubt must go. Even though we all experience this phenomenon now and again, it can become crippling. Especially if it is constantly lurking in the background.

Self-doubt is defined by Oxford Languages as; “a lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities”.

Often times when we are faced with decisions, choices, or just confused, self-doubt comes crashing into the mind. It often tells us that we are not capable, not smart enough, and not equipped to accomplish something we want to do.


Lack of Capability

I know from personal experience how crippling self-doubt can be. My believed for years, was that I was incapable of doing anything right. That complete lack of confidence in myself was ever present.

I spent more time worrying about not being able to accomplish tasks, than actually doing anything constructive. So many things I wanted to do, never took form. Self-doubt crippled me. What a waste of my precious life.


Where Does Self-Doubt Come From

Self-doubt often begins in childhood. At least, it did for me. As a child I was taught to listen to my elders and to respect them. This was ingrained in me. Therefore, I rarely doubted what I was told. It became a common thing to believe what my elders told me. It was like a law in my head, not something I could choose to ignore.

These beliefs followed me throughout my younger years to adulthood. It was normal for me, the respectful thing to do. It was logical, and not something to be tested.

How could my elders, teachers, police officers, ministers, priests, politicians, and so on, be wrong? I was wrong to believe that elders are always right. They may be older, but they certainly don’t always get things right and they don’t always deserve to be respected for what they say or for how they behave.

I was a young adult before I realized that this was not a very good map to follow. There was a time when I stopped listening and respecting some of these people. I saw and heard how wrong they could be. How cruel they could sometimes be. I saw how abusive their words, their touch, and how damaging their influence could be.

Some of these people behave this way because they have power over others. They have big egos, but very little compassion. The law in my head abated and I began to choose who deserved my respect and who didn’t.


Doubt can be Beneficial

Of course doubt can be beneficial to us. For example; for some reason I was afraid of most dogs, all dogs I didn’t know, for sure. But, not any longer. I used my “doubt instinct” to screen dogs I do not know.

I take care when approaching dogs that I don’t know and who do not know me. I judge them by their body language. I take a quick look at the mouth, check to see if it is open and relaxed. I look at the tail to see if it is is extended (relaxed) or tucked between it’s legs (fearful). I also wait for the owner to have a good hold on the dog before I go near. I always wait for the dog to come to me before I approach him. Today, I have several puppy friends and a few grand puppies too.

There was a belief within me, a self-doubt that I could never be friends with any dog. I am so pleased to admit just how wrong I was. I love dogs now, but I am still cautious around them.


My Personal Doubts and Where They Arose From

Self-Doubt Must go

These self-doubts came primarily through domestication, childhood upbringing so to speak. These are four examples of how I became a self-doubter;

  • Through experiences
  • Mistakes I couldn’t put behind me
  • Fear of failing and,
  • Comparing myself to others

These are all powerful elements, they got out of hand, and I created more self-doubt than I could manage.

Self-Doubt Must go

Eventually, something within me stopped allowing self-doubt to grow any longer. I faced the fact of what self-doubt was doing to me. It was holding me back from living a full life. Therefore, I told myself “self-doubt has to go”.

Self-doubt was causing so many problems in my life, such as;

  • Not standing up for myself
  • Creating self pity
  • Increasing anxiety and depression
  • Preventing me from doing the things I wanted to do
  • Caused a fear of failing
  • Induced panic-attacks when having to face new challenges
  • Worst of all, it created a belief, that I had an inability to manifest a better life for myself


Self-Doubt and Manifesting our Desires

Yes indeed, self-doubt is a hindrance to manifesting our desires. How can we possibly know what we truly want for the self when we are constantly doubting ourselves?

To manifest the things we most desire we need to believe in ourselves to be able to choose what we want. If we change our minds every time we try to manifest something, it won’t work for us. Our thoughts will just keep cancelling each other out. Plus we need to believe in ourselves enough to know that we can achieve our goals.

Do you believe that you deserve a better life for yourself? All you have to do for your part is to ask for it, believe it is yours, and receive it. However, the self-doubts have to go.


Believe You are Enough

Believe you are enough, because you are enough! Step out and try doing something you have always wanted to do. Because you can! The least you can do is try.

Don’t allow self-doubt to define you. Even if you live the life of a self-doubter, don’t admit it to others. Doing so will make it more real for you. Do not allow doubt to rob you of who and what you want to be.

Stop telling yourself ‘I can’t do this. I am not good enough“. Begin telling yourself “I can do this. I am good enough”.


Featured Image: ambroo and Pixabay

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