LOA: What are Mantras and Self-Affirming Statements and how to use Them


What are Mantras and Self-Affirming Statements

What are mantras and self-affirming statements and how do we use them? I am going to be honest with you, I know very little about yoga. What I do know is based on research and I cannot vouch for or against these practices. I can say I have an interest in trying it out at some point.

However, I do meditate, and use self-affirming statements, and have been for quite sometime now. I use them outside of meditation. I am also learning to use mantras at this point in time.

Mantras are a word, a phrase, and can also be a sound. I personally am beginning to love using sounds, and I love the vibrational aspects of doing so.

A mantra is a powerful vibration that we can use to enter a deep state of meditation. They can also be use for setting an intention, I use them before I meditate. I also use affirmations to help change some beliefs in my mind.


Why are Mantras and Self-Affirmations used?

They are used to quiet the mind during meditation. Sound mantras (at least in my experience) cause vibrational effects in my mind and body and are very pleasing for me.  They are repeated over and over, like the sound for example, but they can be used quietly in your mind as well.

They allow people to achieve deeper levels of awareness by quieting the activity of the mind. Activity such as worry, fear, negative chatter, the imagination forming pictures in the mind, and so on.

When we practicing meditation every day and use mantras and affirmations, they help us to become more present. In other words they help keep the mind focused on the now.

Using mantras and self-affirmations should be done regularly, sometimes for months to ensure their effectiveness.


How I use Mantras and Affirmations

I personally use sound mantras, such as “om” and other such sounds when meditating, usually with guided meditations. However, I use affirmations a great deal.

They accompany me on my walks, drives, when I am trying to go to sleep, when I sometimes wake from a nightmare, or if I just need to quiet my mind.

I have a favourite phrase that I use before going into a meditative state. I am not certain where the affirmation originated. It goes like this,  “Every day, in every way, I get better, and better, and better”.

It is useful for me when I am feeling stressed, and my mind refuses to quiet down. I also use it when I take time to rest my mind and body each day.

Often times I find myself trapped in a circle of self-criticism, and this affirmation helps me to calm down. It also covers every aspect of my life.


Mantras and Self-Affirming Statements

Mantras are meant to calm our minds and to help focus our minds, and so do self-affirming statements. My research tells me that “self-affirmations statements” is a modern day term. They are generally called affirmations.

Mantras have been used since ancient times, especially the well known “om”. I love this sound and the vibrations it causes within my body.  However, since I don’t do yoga, my go to thing are affirmations. They may not be ancient, however, they work very well for me. Almost magical at times.


How Using Affirmations can Benefit us

By using affirmations daily, we are better able to cope with stressful circumstances. It helps us to shut down the chatter and all the other things that are going on in our minds. Especially the negativity and self criticism that arises in all of our minds at some point or another.

Most of the useless chatter is about yesterday, or tomorrow and all the stories we make up about other aspects of our lives. Well, yesterday is gone, whatever happened there cannot be changed. You can focus on today and make a new choice if you can to fix something up, but, what is done, is done.

Tomorrow will never come, you cannot say honestly that you are in tomorrow, it’s not possible. You can plan for things that have to be done, but tomorrow never comes. All you can ever do, is live in the “now”. Enjoy it as much as you possibly can.

Using affirmations always has a calming affect on me. It definitely relaxes and often has a healing effect as well.


Different Types of Yoga Practices

Mantra Yoga: Designed to help a person achieve inner peace.

Kundalini Yoga: Designed to activate spiritual energy.

Link to 7 Types of Yoga.


Different Types of Meditation Practices

Mindfulness: Designed for stress reduction by focusing on the present and quieting thoughts, Also reduces anxiety.

Japa Meditations: Considered to be the easiest form of meditation. It is said to improve memory and to focus on concentration. Is also said to help lower heart rate, blood pressure and reduces stress.

Other forms of meditation you can look into include;

  1. Body Scan
  2. Focus
  3. Kundalini
  4. Mantra
  5. Metta
  6. Movement Meditations
  7. Vipassana
  8. Visualization


15 Affirmations

  1. I am conquering my fears and becoming stronger each day.
  2. My commitment to myself is unbreakable.
  3. I will have a good day because it is my choice.
  4. It is so, I am not afraid to be strong.
  5. I am, I AM.
  6. Every day I am loved, because I am loveable.
  7. I am at peace in the present moment.
  8. In this moment, I am still.
  9. I choose to live in the now.
  10. The Great I Am chose me to be here.
  11. I am worthy of love and respect.
  12. It is true that I am enough.
  13. I can do this.
  14. This too will pass.
  15. I believe in myself and my abilities.



2 thoughts on “LOA: What are Mantras and Self-Affirming Statements and how to use Them

  1. Thanks for linking to the 7 types of Yoga as well as listing types of meditations and mantras – it’s a really good point of reference that I can bookmark for later 👍🧘

    1. Thank you for your response J.R. Although meditation is fairly new to me I am learning to love every moment I spend using this method of total relaxation. I would love to hear from you and others who use meditation, mantras and/or yoga as a practice.

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