How you can get in Touch With Your Inner Self

Why get in Touch With Your Inner Self?

Get in touch with your inner self because it is important to. It is important to know and to understand yourself. It is also important to know that the Universal Mind lives within you. All the answers you need to help you on your path are already within you. All you have to do is learn how to access that knowledge.

Our inner self is also that voice we hear that constantly speaks to us. It is deep within and has power over how we choose to live. Mostly what we do hear is negative self talk and it is loud and demanding. It blocks out the Universal Intelligence that also lives within us.

We often hear that Universal voice but we often block it because we fear it. Hearing that wisdom often comes with a responsibility to do what is right. Many of us may not be ready to comply with that responsibility. We may be stubborn, afraid to face the challenge of growing.

However, we do carry within us Universal Intelligence. All knowledge is within, we can take it or leave.


The Voice of Wisdom

The voice below our own voice that we hear constantly is the voice of wisdom. It has been with us since we were born and will be with us for eternity. Therefore, it knows us better than anyone ever could. It knows us better than we know ourselves.

For example, we can use this wisdom any time we have questions about a decision we have to make. It is the very Source we need to pay attention to.

Source is always there to tap into when we need counsel. Even if we just need to be told that we are loved by Source/God/ Universal Intelligent, what ever you want to call it.


Ever Aspect of our Lives

The inner voice that constantly speaks to us has to be quiet if we are to hear the Universal Intelligence within. There is a difference between them is clear. The constant voice we always hear is usually negative, the Universal Intelligence is positive and always ready to help. 

Universal Intelligence is not there just to access when we are having problems. It is always there to show us the way in every aspect of our lives.

It knows about our ego, our fears, talents, values, beliefs, and everything else. It is there to motivate us to live happier and more joyful lives.

This is our inner being, Source, Universal Intelligence. It loves us unconditionally and is closer to us than our very skin. IT is always with us in times of need.


Trust in Your Inner Guidance

Get in Touch With Your Inner Self

Trust in your inner guidance because it always has your interests at heart. Your inner self is Source within you. It will forever point you in the right direction..

However, you have to allow it to come through the negative voice that never seems to quiet down. This is the only way you will be able to listen to it and hear it clearly.

Get in Touch With Your Inner Self

You have to learn how to get in touch with your inner self. And, therefore, to learn to trust yourself to be able to do this.

Some of us find it difficult to learn to listen to what we are telling ourselves. This voice causes us to have emotions and feelings we may not want to face. It can be scary to listen to what is going on inside. Some of us may want to dig in and keep this voice. The voice you have always known may be easier to accept than the voice of Source. 

However, this is the only way to discover and to get to know who you truly are.



In order to do this, I found that journaling was the easiest way to go. When I journal, I use a conversational style. First, I begin with writing my name down and adding a question. Secondly, I then write on a new line, Source. Thirdly, I await an answer to come, and lastly, I write what comes to mind. It looks like this:

Anne: What am I?

Source: You are an extension of Source.

Anne: What does that mean?

Learning to trust in this process isn’t all that easy at first. Your critical voice will say anything to get you to stop. It does not want to lose the hold it has on you. It will say things like, “You’re making this up”, “Why would God want to talk to you?”.  And the one my voice repeatedly asks, “Who do you think you are?”

Therefore, when I first started doing this, I thought everything I was writing was crap. Not coming from deep within but from a shallow place at the top of my head. I often just wanted to give up. The shallow voice in my mind was losing ground however, so I just kept on going.

The truth is, I was getting some pretty profound responses. I started getting answers to my queries. I thought I could only get them from other people who were smarter than I was. Perhaps from books etc.

This doesn’t happen every day. However, it does happen often enough to keep me interested in the process. And the more I write, the more answers I get.


Some of it can be Quite Repetitive

Yes, some of it is repetitive and I couldn’t understand why for a long time. However, I do know now. It is because I was afraid to believe what I was hearing. I was afraid I was going a bit crazy, arrogant, bold and losing my identity. 

The truth was I was finding my true self. The negative talk rarely arises when I write, it is such a peaceful time for me. The constant chatter goes to sleep for a while and gives me a much needed break from it.


Everybody has an Inner Voice

We all have an inner voice. Once you get in touch with your inner voice you will soon learn to distinguish the negative from the positive voice. We all have access to Source. Some call it God, Infinite Intelligence, Source and Jesus called it “I Am”. It doesn’t matter what we call it. It is what created us. And it lives within us at all times. It is there all the time for us to access.

When journaling I used to ask Source questions about myself. Now I always begin by asking Source what it wants to say to me. It has given me some wonderous revelations. I ask and write what comes to mind.


Afraid to Hear Some Answers to my Queries

I am afraid at times. Afraid to take responsibility for what Source has in mind for me. Afraid to ask why I was created, why I was chosen to come here to Earth. Therefore I often block those responses.

As time passes I am truly at a point where I want to know the answers. Source is way smarter than I am, it will not put me in a position that I am not ready for. Patience is Source’s gift to me. 

Therefore, I am more open to listening and hearing the truth about who I am and to what my purpose is. 


My Thoughts Tell me to Stop

My thoughts try to tell me that I’m a bit crazy. But it doesn’t matter any more. The benefits far outweigh the downfalls. I want to continue on this journey so I ignore the negative thoughts. It is much easier than I once thought, and is also liberating. I write what comes to mind no matter how crazy it seems. Most times it all makes perfect sense. 

Every day and in every way things just keep getting better for me. I always ask Source for mystical, magical, spiritual and supernatural experiences. I believe they will come. They don’t come fast and furiously but they do occur and it’s a lot of fun when they do. They help me to get in touch with my inner self, and that is also a lot of fun.

Blessings to all.


Image supplied by Pixabay, and created by Tumisu.



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