LOA: Every Emotion Either Feels Good or Feels Bad

Emotions either feel good or bad


  1. We are Not Always Aware of Our Thoughts
  2. Our Emotions Tell us are Out of Line With Our Inner Being
  3. Every Emotion, Without Exception, Either Feels Good or Feels Bad


We are Not Always Aware of Our Thoughts

Every emotion either feels good or it feels bad. When we are in harmony with our Inner Being, we learn through our emotions if our thoughts are good or bad. We are thus made aware (even before we know what we are thinking about) whether our thoughts are good or bad, positive or negative if you prefer. When we learn to play closer attention to these emotions we can train ourselves to hold on to the positive thoughts and to let go of the positive ones.

It is essential to be aware of these emotions if we want to be deliberate in our manifestations. Remember it is our thoughts that produce the emotions, thus the vibrations that our emotions cause, that cause the manifestations that come into our lives. Whatever we focus on is what we attract into our lives.

Most of our thoughts are subconscious so we are never really aware of them. It is our emotions, that our Inner Being is always showing us if we are in a positive state of thought or a negative state. If you are feeling good then your thoughts are good. However, if your thoughts are bad, you feel bad.


Our Emotions Whether Good or Bad, Tell us if we are in Alignment With our Inner Being


Our Inner Being is always aware of how we are thinking. It uses emotions to tell us if we are in line with Inner Being or not. It is all about paying closer attention to your emotions. You can then learn to distinguish if that emotion is good or bad. If you are in line with your Inner Being, you feel good, if not, you feel bad.

I know by how I feel deep down in my solar plexus, what I am focused on, even before I know the thought. It is a physical sensation of either pain or joyfulness. Checking  in on how I am feeling many times during the day helps to keep me focused. I have developed the ability to change my thoughts even before I know what I am thinking about. That thing I am focused on becomes less meaningful as I learn to cherish the good feelings that my body presents to me. My physical sensations change as I change my thoughts.

Researchers have discovered that the average person has between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Therefore we cannot always be aware of the thoughts we are having. (Leahy, TLEX Institute)


Every Emotion, Without Exception, Either Feels Good or it Feels Bad

That emotion you are feeling is either good or bad. There is no doubt about it. You either feel good or you feel bad. End of.

If you are reading this you are interested in the Law of Attraction, you have been drawn here for a reason. If you want to learn to manifest with determination, you absolutely need to understand about how your thinking affects what you manifest.

When you focus on positive thoughts your emotions deliver a vibration into the space around you. These vibrations act like a magnet to attract similar things to you. If you are focused on negative thoughts, your emotions send out that negative vibration. Therefore, this vibration will attract similar vibrations to it and it will be carried back to you. It is the same if you are having positive thoughts, it will attract more positivity into your life. It’s the law. It does not work with words, it works with the vibration that your words and thoughts produce.

This is a great way to begin using the Law of Attraction. You ask the Universe, or the Law of Attraction, for more happiness. You then focus on happy thoughts. Allow them to come to you, receive them with gratitude, and pay attention to your emotions to keep on track. Give it a few weeks to see if you sense a change in your thinking.


Link to: The Importance of Feeling Good: LOA


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