What is Mature Love? Part 3



Mature Love Comes With Responsibility


So, now you believe you are mature enough to be in an adult romantic relationship. Thus, you should also be mature enough to take responsibility for the decisions you make.

Making that decision means you should be mature enough to discuss what you expect from one another. For example, are you both ready to engage in sexual activity? Are you mature enough to discuss your responsibility when it comes to birth control? What will you do if you end up pregnant? Are you both ready for the responsibility of a child?

Adult romantic relationships require maturity to know what to do if the unexpected takes place. You also need to have realistic expectations of what your partner is willing to do. If you are totally engaged in the relationship and something goes wrong, are you in it together? Just because you are old enough to engage in sex, does not mean you are ready to set up in a home together.

Do you know enough about your partner to know how he/she will behave in rough situations? Will he/she treat you with with respect and dignity when you are handling a situation in a negative fashion? Or perhaps you are just behaving like a child. Will you be abused or will you abuse if things don’t go well or you don’t get your own way?


You Grow out of Your Childish ways


You grew out of your childish ways, or did you? Have you become the adult that you believe you are?

Some people just don’t know that for sure. Some just don’t get it. A mature relationship is not all about attraction to an attractive individual. Just because you are having fun dating and having amazing sex, does not mean you are a mature couple.

Also you cannot rely on your emotions to establish weather you are in love or not. This love could still be about wanting or needing to be accepted, and loved by someone. It would be a good idea to know if you or your partner are in the relationship just out of need.

people often do things they do not really want to do, because they do not want to be alone. It is easy to fall for lies and flattery when you are needy.

relationships are not always glorious and living in bliss. Relationships can be the loneliest place in the world if you get together for the wrong reasons, or if you are just not ready. Immaturity can be the cause of the destruction  of a relationship.



Our Parents Seemed to be so Happy


At times we may be looking at how happy our parents and other couples seemed to be in their marriage or relationship. Some of us grew up believing that our life would be just like theirs. It is just natural to want what they had or still have.

The maturity or responsibility they had when they got married never factored into your equation. Have you ever engaged them in a truthful conversation about how they feel about the years they have spent together? Perhaps they could be a source of information when you are deciding if you want to live with someone. besides sometimes we just see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe.

Are you mature enough to understand that things are not always so easy? Parents have a tendency to try to protect their children from knowing what their marriage is really like. Some were long lasting, loving relationships, many more were bad relationship, disguised for the sake of others.



You’re Getting Married


You’re getting married but remember, mature love comes with responsibility. You’re so much in love, and it’s wonderful! You know your partner will make you happy for the rest of your life.

Most people do not understand that no one can make them happy. Happiness comes from within and is our own responsibility.

Communication is so very important in relationships. You have to know what each expects of the other. No one can read minds. Does your partner know that you expect him/her to keep you happy?

You’re ready to settle in for the long haul, and that’s great if it works out. You have a much better chance of that happening if you are both mature individuals and have really good communication skills.


Are you Both Ready to Settle Down


One may be ready to settle down, however, the other, may not be over the moon about it. Perhaps he/she may not be ready for the responsibilities that marriage brings. Are you sure you are ready to give up hanging out with your friends for example? Do you know what to expect from your partner? Does he/she know what to expect from you?

Getting off on the right foot and having enough maturity to talk these things through will be a huge asset for your future together. Hoping the issues I have brought up for your consideration will not manifest is not going to help things work out. If you have concerns you better get things out in the open.

You need to know what you are both thinking and to know what you are getting into is a good idea. Therefore, build your marriage on a solid foundation not on sand. Always remember, mature love comes with responsibility.




Link to: What is Mature Love: Part 1






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