LOA: All You Have is “Now”

LOA: All You Have is “Now”


Live in the Now


Live in the now, because now is the only reality you have. It is greater than time and it is an ever present reality. Now is not concerned with the past or the future. 

There is no need to think about the past. You cannot alter it in any way. What has happened is done. No amount of thinking, worrying, and regretting it, is going to impact it in any way. No will it change that happening.

You can learn lessons that have happened in the past past. It is also possible to use the past as a tool to improve your now. Live in the now and learn the lessons from the past but do not dwell on it. You can impact what you choose to do in the now using those lessons. Making better choices for yourself will make your life better.


The Future is a Dream


Yesterday is gone, it is now only a dream, and so is the future. Everything happens in the now and all possibilities are happening in the now.

To dwell in the past and wish things could have been different is useless to you. You cannot go back. Therefore, forget it, let it go, and leave it all there, in the past. The past belongs to the past.

The future is also a dream. That is all it can be. What has not happened yet, you can not experience it, you can only experience a dream you compose in your mind. You can plan out every moment that is yet to come. However, you can never know for sure what will actually take place.


Missing the Now

Live in the now


If you are constantly reliving your past or dreaming your future in your mind, you are missing out on the now.

All things are possible in the now. This is all you have. Use the present as a gift. Make the choices that make you feel good and make you happy. Choose the best you can for yourself. This is truly living in the now.

Make the best possible decisions for yourself. Always do your very best for yourself and others. If this is your choice you will not have any regrets to look back on. You will always know in your inner being that you always did your best at everything you did.


The Past and the Future are the Now


James Allen says, “I will live in my ideal now; I will be my ideal now; and all that tempts me away from my ideal I will not listen to. I will listen only to the voice of my ideal”.

Your ideal is your conception of what is perfect and most suitable. (Oxford Dictionary). You know deep down in your being what your ideals are. Perhaps, you may have to search, but you know.

There is no reason for you to wake up in the morning with regrets about yesterday. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow all flow into now. Every now is filled with possibilities. Practice making better choices for yourself, live your ideal.

If you did something 5 minutes ago that you regret now, let it go. Start again, recognize your mistake as a lesson learned and choose not to do that again. Use this very moment to make a new choice. The best choice you can make. Begin today to live an ideal life.


Let Tomorrow Take Care of Tomorrow


Jesus once said, “Do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. This still rings true today and was not meant to be taken lightly. Why worry about things that have not happened and may never happen? Like Jesus said, “today has enough trouble of its own”.

Give yourself a break. Live in the now. Be present in all that you do. And always live your ideal life.

Yes, make plans, we all do that now and again. For example, we all make appointments, jobs to be on time for, or whatever else your time table depends on. But you don’t have to live there. 

“Leave what has not happened alone and tend to what is”. James Allen




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