LOA: How Long Does it Take the Law of Attraction to Work?


LOA: How Long Does it Take the Law of Manifestation to Work?


Length of Time to Manifestation


Length of time to manifestation is different for everyone. To begin with we are constantly manifesting our lives. It never ends, that is what humans do. We may not necessarily know this about ourselves, may not want to believe it, but we are creators.

The problem is, we are not conscious creators because we do not want to believe that we are creators. Therefore we never know what we will receive from Source or the Universe. In order to know what is to come, is to become conscious creators. And we do this by asking for what we want.

Our thoughts cause us to experience feelings and emotions. These three components put together are the cause of our manifestations. This is how we create with Source.


Most of us Create our Manifestations by Chance

I Have a Friend


Since most of us are not conscious creators we manifest simply by chance. There is no way of knowing the length of time it takes for manifestations to occur. We don’t even know what is going to occur. 

Some of us just go on and on, and our lives don’t change very much. There isn’t anything wrong with that. If people are happy with their lives, that’s great, more power to them. However, there are many more people who are not happy with their lives and cannot seem to make them better. Maybe it’s all about “luck”.

Some people attract luck in their lives because they believe they are lucky, so they manifest it but do not know it. It is true that we all get lucky now and again but wouldn’t it be great to be winners all the time? Some people are constant winners. This is because they know how to win. They understand luck and how to use it.


I Have a Friend


I have a friend who is always winning on scratch tickets and at the casino. She is not a huge gambler, so her winnings are typically in the high hundreds. She is not aware of the :OA, so she does not consciously manifest. In other words, she does not ask Source for what she wants. She seems to have a cut off point in her mind. She could be winning thousands but she believes she is only capable of winning hundreds.

We all cut ourselves off at a certain point. This is because we seem to think that we do not deserve more. Perhaps we believe that there is only a small amount of money for example, going around. We would never want to appear to be greedy. However, the truth is, there is more than enough for every single person on this planet.


Ask and you Shall Receive


For those of us who are familiar with the LOA, we ask for what we want. This is conscious manifestation in the making.

The length of time for manifestation can be known. However, it is different for everyone. Each person and each desire will have a different time occurrence. What one may manifest in minutes or hours may take days and even years to manifest for others.

Ask and you shall receive is a popular term for many people who consciously use  the LOA. We believe that once we ask Source for what we want, it is done. It may take a short time or a long time, it depends on our beliefs, feelings and emotions. 


Believe and it Shall be Done Unto you


The next step in the process with all of your heart and soul that it is done.

Your belief must in line with the desire you have asked for. This belief will manifest through your thoughts, feelings and emotions. By the way, you cannot lie to Source, it knows everything about you and knows your feelings and emotions probably better than you know them. 

These components create a vibration that goes out into the universe. They are what attracts what you want to come to you. Your beliefs, feelings, emotions and even your words have an effect on when you will manifest your desire. 

Your desire is already in the Universe in form, now it’s up to you to figure out how to get it into your reality. 


The Universe has Its own Time

Length of Time to Manifestation


The vibrations you put out into the universe will establish when you are ready for the manifestation to occur.

You do not have to focus on what you want for very long in the run of a day. Perhaps, picture in your mind the completion of your manifestation. For example, how it will feel when you receive the thing you desire. What will you do? How will it impact your life? Make it so your feelings and emotions are activated as though your desire is now in your reality. Do this again before you go to sleep.

The idea is to generate these same feelings at any time during your wakeful hours. It is best if you do not focus on what you want too much, just the vibration of having it. You can use anything that will keep you in a happy, joyful, grateful and receiving feeling. 

The more you do this the faster your manifestation will occur.


Length of Time for Manifestation


The length of time for manifestation to occur depends on you.

You have asked, you believe it is done, now it is your job to create the vibrations.


Be Aware of Your Thoughts and Words


You must be aware of your thoughts and words. They are responsible for the feelings and emotions that create your desires and ultimately your manifestations. Therefore be careful how you use them.

If, for example, you don’t believe that you deserve to receive what you want, then it cannot happen for you. Do you hear this little voice always complaining that you don’t have what you want yet? Stop doing that. The primary    message that is sending to the Universe is, I don’t have it. This is the vibration you are sending out, therefore it is what you will manifest, I don’t have it.


Believe in the Law

The Length of Time to Manifestation is up to you


I believe in the LOA just as I believe in the Law of Gravity. It exists for me and for everyone. The law always manifests whatever we focus on the most, just as gravity always keeps our feet on the ground. It just does what it was created to do.

People do not believe in the LOA even though they are using it all the time The LOA can be utilized to work for you if you use it consciously. I us the Law because I have tested it and I know it is real.

Some people try but give up before the Law has time to work for them. But it is not that the Law isn’t working for them. It is because they do not use it properly.














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