LOA: Is the Law of Attraction Real?

LOA: Is the Law of Attraction Real?

Is the Law of Attraction Real?

LOA is Real for me.


The Law of Attraction is real for me. It has improved my life immensely. To be fair I am not an expert, but I do have enough experience to know that it has changed how I live for the better. It has only been a part of my life for a few years. However, I have experienced a huge improvement in my everyday life.

The atmosphere in my personal and in my relationships have changed dramatically. I am constantly improving my attitude towards other people, myself and my life. This is a direct result from using the LOA.


Try the LOA for Yourself


Try the LOA for yourself before you make a decision to walk away from what it has to offer, The LOA is real for me because I believe in the teachings and I live them. I do the best I can every day. The biggest job associated with the LOA is keeping yourself as happy as possible and keeping that vibration alive.

I read books and I listen to talks every day Ever moment that comes gives me an opportunity to practice the teachings I learn about.

The LOA has become a way of life for me. It isn’t something I take lightly. I have come to realize and to believe that I manifest all things associated with my life. Good, bad and everything in between. I am responsible for creating my life as it is right now.


I Know Myself


Through the LOA I have learned to listen to my inner voice. Therefore, I know myself more than I ever have.

I know why I did the things I did in the past; and why I do the things I do now. Living in the now shows me what and who I am.

Now I am learning to go with the flow. I accept the ups and downs as they come along. Perhaps not always, I fall down a great deal. However, I get up a lot faster than I used to. For example, if I have a disagreement with someone, the pain subsides almost instantly. In the past those hard feeling would last for days. The past recedes and dissipates as quickly as I let it go. Therefore, I live for today. 


The LOA is not a new Concept


The LOA has been around for several thousands of years. The language may have changed for our modern day understanding, but it isn’t new. The foundations are timeless.

Socrates, who lived in the 5th century BC, once said, “A life lived and considered in the right way is complete in the present”. 

Buddha, who also live din the 5th century BC said, “There is never any time than now. All else is an illusion, a fantasy, and sometimes a nightmare”.

Jesus, from the 4th century BC, also spoke of the now. He said, “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself”.


New Ideas and Understandings Have Been Added


In our present world experts on the subject have gleaned more understanding about how to use the LOA. The terminology is different but the rules are still the same. 

I read a great deal on the topic of enlightenment and my favourite author is Eckhart Tolle. This is different form the LOA but some of the elements are the same. 

I read everything I can get my hands on to learn how to live a happier, and a better life. However, I not only read I try to the best of my ability to put into action what I learn.

Reading the material isn’t enough. Therefore, I put things to the test. So far life is constantly changing for the better for me.


LOA and Manifestation


I am fully aware that most people who get hooked on LOA are wanting to manifest money. It seems to be the number one item on the list. When they cannot manifest it quickly they give up. Usually it is because they have preconceived notions on how the law works, that are incorrect.

Perhaps they feel they are not worthy of the money and if this is so, the money will not come. Your role is to believe that you already have what you want,. That is difficult to do if you don’t believe in the process and in your self-worth.

I am not saying that I don’t love money, I do love money. Therefore I am open to receiving all I can get. Money can help me have an easier life.

However, there are things that I want much more than money, and other material things. The things I want most in life are health, happiness, peace of mind, love, understanding, safety, and help with living. The things money cannot buy.

Health and happiness are at the top of my list. These bring me the vibrational feelings that I want. Happiness keeps me in a perfect frame of mind. Thus, the material manifestations that I want will follow when I am ready for them.


LOA is Real for me


The LOA is real for me. I am healthier and happier because of the LOA. It has taught me to be aware of my thoughts and how they manifest my life. Also how to manifest a better life.

I encourage you to try it out and see how it works for you.






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