LOA: Why You Need to Think Positive Thoughts



  • Why You Want to Have Positive Thoughts
  • How Positive Thoughts Help You to Feel Good
  • Why You Need to Feel Good
  • Know The Difference Between Positive Thoughts vs Negative Thoughts
  • Put Your New Knowledge Into Practice


Why You Want to Have Positive Thoughts

Positive thoughts are essential If you are planning to use the Law of Attraction to improve your life, you have to learn to use them. ha This is an essential aspect of being able to manifest what you want for yourself. Positive thinking will also make you feel great once you get a handle on it.

Positive and/or happy thoughts attract more positive thoughts. Negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts. That to which is like unto itself, is drawn. As you begin to pay attention to your thoughts, you will feel either a positive vibration  or a negative vibration in the area of your body where you feel emotion.

I feel my emotions in my solar plexus. When the emotion is negative I feel a sensation of discomfort just below the sternum. The sensation stretches from side to side, for about 4 inches. It’s width about 2 inches. Directly below this is where my good feelings reside and covers my stomach from side to side and it’s width is about 4 to 6 inches. There is a massive difference between the two even though they touch, both are distinctive sensations. I only discovered this after I began to pay close attention to how my thoughts made me feel physically.

If the feeling is negative enough, I feel ill. This is why I always do my best to have positive thoughts.


How Positive Thoughts Help You to Feel Good

Even if you do not believe that the Law of Attraction will manifest what you want, it can still benefit you. The Law of Attraction is all about good feelings. Take a moment or two right now and think about something or someone that causes you to feel happy or joyful. Where do you feel the sensation of that happiness or joy? Once you learn to pay attention to what you feel, you will be aligned with your Inner Being, Soul, God, Source, The Universe, whatever you choose to call it.

If your thoughts are happy or perhaps positive, you will feel it and that is the feeling you want to strive for as much as possible. However, if your thoughts are negative, you will feel that as well. When you feel this way, all you have to do is change your mode of thinking. Just look to happy thoughts. Yes, even when your world seems to be falling apart, you can find something joyful to think about. You will feel a better sensation within yourself.

When you feel that sensation of joy, this is how you are supposed to feel every day, and every moment of the day. Learning how to love yourself completely, will help to bring about this joy. When you learn to feel this way, the law will only bring to you joyful things, whether you ask for it or not.


Why You Need to Feel Good

Feeling good brings that sensation you feel, and this is a vibration, it is not only within you but it spreads beyond your body. It is that vibration people feel when they are around other people. We often hear people say “I love his/her vibration”. We are constantly picking up on those vibrations, however, we are not always aware of this.

If you feel bad, you also have a sensation, and it also vibrates and it also expands beyond your body. Others pick up on this as well. This will sometimes attract others who are feeling like you are, the longer you feel this way the more likely you are to attract like minded people.    So if you want good feeling around you, send out good vibrations by thinking positive thoughts.

Some people like having negative people around them, especially if they like complaining, they prefer people that do the same. I know people like this, and they are pretty sad to be around.  I understand how this works now, and since I want to have positive, happy people around me, the negative people have dropped off.

Feeling good not only makes you feel good, and other people around you feel good, but it also attracts things to you. It is to your benefit to have a positive vibration around you as often as possible. You can learn to change your thoughts in an instant, and I know this, because I can do it. All people can if they work at it.


How to Know The Difference Between Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts

You can train yourself to pay attention to the thoughts that you focus on minute by minute. You can do this in a simpler way if you can pay attention to your sensations. Stop now and again and ask yourself if you are feeling happy, or ask yourself “what are the sensations I’m feeling telling me?” If you are confused about how you are feeling, your Inner Being will always know where you’re at. It will also let you know what you’re thinking about and if it’s negative, you can change it right away.

Are you feeling sad, angry, disgusted, fearful, or wanting to make someone pay for how you feel? Perhaps you had an argument with someone and that has been bothering you for a while now. Could it have happened years ago, and it still bothers you. Does it keep cropping up and making you feel bad? It could be anything that makes you feel that negativity.

As you learn to search your body you will eventually begin to feel physical sensation of your feelings. I can almost guarantee that once you are aware of how your thoughts make you feel, that you are going to try to choose positive thoughts. The physical sensations will tell you every time whether you are having negative or positive thoughts. Knowing this will change your life.


Put Your New Knowledge Into Practice

Now that you know how you can change your thoughts, I would encourage you to practice doing so. When you are aware of the sensations, that tell you what you are feeling, you can then become aware of what your thoughts are focused on. You can then think about things that make you feel happy. Something from your past, or in your present, perhaps a plan you have for the future. If changing your thoughts is too difficult, then find something on tv or go online and find something funny to watch. What ever helps. It may seem simple, and it is, but, it will take practice.

Have fun

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