LOA: “I Want” vs “I Need” the Request Associated With


  1. “I Want” You to Consciously Pay Attention to Your Thoughts.
  2. “I Want” You to Get Get Prepared For What You Want
  3. Why Do We Need to Feel Grateful?
  4. What Happens When We Focus on Lack?
  5. Why Use The Term “I Want” Instead of “I Need”.


“I Want” You to Consciously Pay Attention to Your Thoughts.

“I want” you to pay attention to what you are thinking about and how these thoughts make you feel. They will have everything to do with what you manifest into your life,

We are creators. We are always creating our lives. Nobody else can do that for us. We create everything we experience in our world. We may not be aware of this fact, because we were never taught about the Law of Attraction. Just because we don’t know about it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

We create our world unconsciously most of the time. But we can learn to be conscious creators. We begin this process by becoming aware of our thoughts. One of the things that works well for me is by becoming aware of how I feel emotionally and physically. When I have an uncomfortable feeling, about someone, or something in my environment, I pay attention to it. I also ask myself if I am sad, happy, angry, peaceful, and so on. I have discovered that my feelings are definitely a result of the thoughts that I am having.

When I am in a state of anger, I feel it in my chest, and I feel my heart rate increase. I then begin to listen to my inner dialogue. We all have this constantly happening within us. It doesn’t mean that we are crazy, it means that we are human. Our Source/Soul is trying to communicate something to us. Perhaps to warn us to calm down if we are angry for example.

When I listen to that inner dialogue, I am then in touch with why I feel anger. Anger is a negative emotion and therefore causes me to have uncomfortable, even bad feelings. I can then understand why I feel these sensations, and I can choose to change my thoughts. The pain in my chest and my heart rate goes down almost immediately. I usually get angry because I want to be right about something. I may want to blame someone else because I feel bad. Perhaps I am feeling misunderstood. The reasons vary depending on the circumstance and/or the experience I am having. If I choose to continue in this line of of self talk, I will then continue to feel bad. I choose to feel good.

So now that I am aware, I can change my thought process. I always feel better almost immediately. Now I am creating a happier experience for myself. It takes time to learn how to do this, but you can do it.


“I want” You to Get Prepared to Ask For What You Want.

Now that you can cause happier vibrations, you are conscious enough to ask for what you want. You are already attracting to yourselves happier experiences, when you feel good. Now that you feel happier, your vibrations will attract what you want more easily. So go ahead and ask for what you desire.

Now ask for what you want, “I want a new job”,  “I want new friends”, “I want a place to live in comfort”. Whatever it is that you want. The stronger the good vibrations, the easier it is to manifest what you want. Your part is to remain in this vibrational field, for as long as you possibly can. I make sure I start off feeling wonderful every morning for at least 15 minutes before I get out of bed.

What you want will probably not manifest over night, it takes a while for things to start happening. I know of some people who are able to manifest within hours or less. It takes time for us to train ourselves to be aware of our thoughts and how to change them quickly. Try to be patient, things will start happening if you stick to the process.


Why do We Need to Feel Grateful?

When we feel grateful for all that we have we begin to feel good quite quickly. When we become grateful for all things good in our lives, we attract more good things. We will also feel good, we have positive vibrations, and that is what we use to attract what we want.

If, on the other hand you are feeling ungrateful, or feeling in a state of lack, you will attract more lack. Therefore, we need tp train ourselves to be grateful. I use a notebook and write in it every morning for 15 to 20 minutes. I write about all the things that I am grateful for – everything that comes to mind for this period of time. This always gives my positive vibrations a huge boost and a great way to start my day.


What Happens When We Focus on Lack?

When we focus on lack we attract lack. Our vibration is calling out for more when we feel this way. Thus, we must focus on the things we are grateful for as often as possible. When we focus on lack, this causes us to focus on what we don’t have, so we get this flood of uneasiness within us. It just continues to grow, unless we notice it and put a stop to it.

The more we focus on something, the more we get of that something. That is the Law of Attraction. So choose your thoughts carefully and consciously.

Why Use “I Want” instead of “I Need”

When we use the term “I need” we automatically feel that we are in this state of lack, it makes us feel bad. Even if we were in that happy vibrational state when we were prepared to ask for something, now because we think of need, we get sad again. If you slip, you can change the thought right away. Change that self talk to saying “I want” so and so. Focus on how good it feels just thinking about having what you want in your now reality. Ride the wave right back to feeling good again.

Jealousy also causes the lack vibration. Let’s say I want a new car, and your neighbor arrives home one day with the exact car you have been dreaming about. You then become jealous and begin to find negative things about him. This is also not a positive vibe. You want that feeling to change so you find things good to say. Be happy for your neighbor, be excited for him, and you will fell better for being positive. It is basically the same with money. When you are jealous of the money other people have and your vibration is strong, you will not attract more money. Your vibration says you are lacking money, so you will attract less. Be happy when you hear about others having money, your vibration will then attract money for you.

When you see your neighbor’s new car, be happy for her. Be so happy for her that you feel the vibration inside of you. If some one you know wins millions of dollars, be happy for him, again, until you fell that happy vibration. And then ask for your share while you are feeling happy.

I know it isn’t easy. It’s something we have to work at. I fall on my face all the time. Like a baby learning to walk. He falls down repeatedly, but eventually learns how to walk. So will we learn to be in touch with our feelings. We can all learn to be grateful and happy, with practice.

Be easy on yourself, be patient and kind to yourself. “Know” that we deserve to be happy and feeling good all the time. We deserve to have what we want. One day we will learn to manifest all the things that we want. We never have to worry about how it comes to us, we just have to believe that it will come into our reality.

In the meantime choose to be happy as often as you can. Even if you don’t manifest what you want right away. You will become happier when you choose your thoughts of happiness, abundance and gratefulness.






















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