LOA: Focus only on What You Want and Never on What You do Not Want

Outer Dimensions







Law of Attraction, Focus Only on What you Want

The Law of Attraction uses your feelings, that cause vibrations, to manifest things into your life experiences. If your thoughts are feel good thoughts, you are emitting a feel good vibration. This is the time to ask for what you want. The longer you can hold on to feeling good, the stronger your vibrations become. God thoughts draw more good thoughts into your mind. Make use of them. Focus only on what you want.

It is essential to listen to what your body is telling you. Your feelings do not lie. If you are having unhappy thoughts, your Inner Being picks up on them. You will, thus, produce more unhappy feelings. As soon as you become aware of any negative feelings, change your thoughts to positive things that make you feel better.

Remember, your feelings have vibrations that the Law picks up on, and uses them to bring to you what you are thinking about. Positive or negative, it doesn’t matter. It is not so much about the words you use , but what those words cause you to feel.


Thoughts Cause Emotions, That Cause the Vibrations, That the Law Acts Upon

Once you begin to focus on how your thinking causes emotion, which cause vibrations, you are better prepared to change your thoughts at once. Your thoughts cause the emotions, that cause the vibrations , that the Law acts upon to bring to you what you are focused on. It knows not the difference between what you want and what you don’t want. It is the strength of the vibration that causes the Law to manifest your wants into your reality. Once you ask for what you want, the manifestation process has already begun, you never have to ask again. It is now your vibrational frequency that takes over, and what the Law reacts upon.

You focus only on what you want. For example, you may say to Source/Universe, “I want a girlfriend”. You may have ideas about what you don’t want in a girlfriend. So you become focused on that. So you begin to say things like “I don’t want her to have black hair, I have hate black haired girls. I don’t want a skinny girl either, I prefer my girls to be just right”. The list goes on, you toss a few things in there that you do want, “I want her to have blue eyes, because I hate brown eyed girls”. Your main focus is on the negative. Your main focus is on what you do not want, that vibration is way stronger than the one about what you do want. You’re going to get a black, skinny, brown eyed girl, because that is your main vibration.

Whatever thoughts cause your strongest vibrations will be what you get. Change your thoughts to the kind of girl you do want. Tell the Universe what those things are. Focus on these things until your feelings get you joyfully excited about having this girl in your life. Never even think about what you do not want. Think only about what you do want.


Focus Only on What You Want Every Day

Asking for what you want once is enough. All your wants, once asked for, are being acted upon as soon as you ask. But you have to picture what you want for 10- 15 minutes every day, or until the thoughts make you excited and feeling a good vibration. Put enough detail into this picture, so that you are clear about what you want. Try to keep the picture the same every day. If you mess around with that picture too often, you will confuse the Universe and it won’t know what to bring to you. Therefore, your manifestation will take that much longer to come to you.

I have no idea how long it will take for your wants to manifest into your reality. I do know, that, if you are just learning about the Law of Attraction, it will not happen over night. It will take time to learn about the process and how to put things into motion.


I Recommend Reading up on the Law of Attraction

I recommend that you do research on the Law of Attraction, do some reading, watch videos on youtube, and read articles. For a start, I would read “The Secret” by Brene Brown. This is a great introduction for you. I also highly recommend The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

I have links to these books on my page called, Books, Books, Books.


Know Yourself

It is very important to understand how you feel about yourself. For example, do you have a healthy love for yourself? Do you believe that you deserve what you want? Do you believe that the Universe will deliver what you ask for? If you have answered “no” to these questions, you really need to work on your self-esteem.

These questions need to be asked by you and answered truthfully. Perhaps you need to work on loving yourself more than you ever realized until now. Learning to love yourself will help you to believe that you are worthy to receive.

Even if you need to work on loving yourself you can still ask for what you want. Make lists of those things and do so every day. Then train yourself to focus on positive thoughts. You are always manifesting your life experiences every moment, with every thought you have. You may as well be doing so consciously and positively.

If, for ever reason you decide to drop your interest in the Law of Attraction, you will have learned to love yourself. You will become aware of the thoughts you are having, and how those thoughts make you feel. What you learn will still have massive benefits to your well being. You will learn to only focus on what you want.

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