Simple, Yet LOA: Effective Ways to Get Started Using the Law of Attraction

  • Learn to Change Your Way of Thinking
  • Staying in a Positive State of Mind
  • How to Ask for Things From the Universe
  • Your State of Mind Will Not Change Overnight but it Will Happen
  • People to Check Out on YouTube

Learn to Change Your Way of Thinking

Using simple yet effective ways to use the Law of Attraction when I first became interested in the Law of Attraction, was exactly what I needed. Just like everybody else I wanted to learn how to get wealthy, fast! What I was reading had me convinced that all it would take was to focus on what I wanted. To create a vision board and to convince the Universe that I was worthy to receive what I wanted, because my need was so great.

I knew how to create vision boards, which are used to help manifest our desires and/or goals. Images and other objects are collected.  Things associated with what we want to manifest in the future. They serve as a reminder every day of what you want. I know they work really well for some people. It helps to keep us focused and excited about what we want. Don’t be too quick to discount them. They are meant to motivate us to bring what we want into our physical reality.

You can learn how to create your own vision boards The materials can be as simple as you want or as extensive as you wish. They are meant to be fun, not something you feel you have to do. This is also a simple yet effective way to use the Law of Attraction.

As I already stated, I think they are a great idea, and I know they work really well for loads of people. They are just not my ideal system. Besides that, I don’t want other people to see what I am wanting. I don’t want to hear any negative responses, or ridicule coming from anyone. I did, however, create a small photo album which I looked at every day, but it just didn’t suit me. We are all unique, however, and if this method appeals to you, then go for it, whatever works for you.

I tried other things that were meant to help, but nothing ever seemed to work. I just gave up, perhaps too soon, I will never know. People give up too soon all the time, and never give their wants time to actually appear in their physical reality. They may also be too impatient or think it will never work for them.

These past few months during Covid days, I had time to do more research. There are hundreds if not thousands of websites out there, filled with people who are now talking and writing about living healthy, wealthy, and prosperous lives. They have found a way to make the Law of Attraction work for them. There are also loads of videos on YouTube, and tons of books that just seemed to pop up in my world. They help me to fully understand all I need to know about the Law of Attraction.

As I continued to read, listen to, and to put into action the things I was learning about, my life began to change for the better. As I began to see, manifestation had to do with my emotions and feelings, and the emotional vibrational energy they emit. Some people suggested that we are like magnets. We attract with our vibrations what we think about the most. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, if we emit a high frequency, it will bring these things, that we are focused on, into our reality. Therefore we need to be aware of the things we focus our minds on.

The major thing behind this idea, is that our thoughts need to be in a place where they cause us to feel good, happy, and grateful. If we feel these emotions, we attract more of the same into our lives. If we feel bad, sad, and ungrateful, we then attract all that negativity, and that’s what we attract to ourselves.

I also decided that I wanted to attract more happiness and joy within me, and it was what I wanted most. Because of this, I began to focus on my thoughts to the degree that I can now rid myself of negative thoughts very quickly. It takes a great deal of practice, but I proved to myself that it could be done. If I can do this, so can you. Make use of simple yet effective ways to use the Law of Attraction more effectively.


Staying in a Positive State of Mind

Once you learn simpler ways to use the Law of Attraction, you will know that in order to be successful at doing this, it’s essential to be aware of how you are feeling. Typically, negative thoughts, such as anger, sadness, jealousy, all make us feel bad. On the other hand, positive thoughts, like love, happiness, gratitude, have the opposite effect and make us feel really good. Thus, you create negative and/or positive vibrations, and those vibrations will attract what you put out there.

Your job, right now, if you want to begin to manifest the life you want, you must become aware of your thoughts and your feelings. If they are negative, you can learn to change them to more positive thoughts. If you are sad, for instance, look at why you feel this way, and find something more positive to focus on. Just allow the negative thoughts to dissipate. You will feel a shift in your inner being, almost as soon as you change your thought process. The longer you keep the sadness at bay, the more happiness you will attract to yourself.


 How to Ask For Things From the Universe

Once you are in a happy vibrational state, you can then begin to ask for what you want. If you are in a negative state, forget it, it won’t work. You will not get what you want. You need to be in a state of happiness, gratitude, and love to create a positive vibration. This is exactly what you need to be able to manifest what you want.

While you are in your positive state of mind, create a picture of what you want, as clearly and as accurately, as you can. Make yourself feel as if you already have it.

Lets say you want a new pair of jeans. You know the brand you want, the color, the style. You have everything pictured, and you do this with everything you want. Once you have established this picture, try saying this, “I want a new pair of jeans. I intend to have those jeans. I believe I will have those jeans. And I allow those jeans to come into my reality”.

The key is in the belief. That belief happens a whole lot faster if you are in a happy state of mind. They may pop into your reality immediately, however, it may take some practice before these things happen. You will also have to learn to keep that state of happiness in your vibrational self as much as possible.

For now, you will also have to understand and keep in mind to never used the words ” I need”. Just don’t do it. I will write more about this in a future post. Just remember not to use this phrase. It isn’t always easy, I still make the mistake now and again, but with practice, I rarely do. Also don’t tell others about what you are doing. They will probably fill your head with ideas about how crazy this is and how crazy you are for trying to do this. Imagine, that once you begin to change how you live, happier, healthier, wealthier, then you can tell them how you did it.

These are simple yet effective ways to use the Law of Attraction.


Your State of Mind Will Not Change Over Night, But it Will Happen

For now, practice changing your state of mind, from negative thoughts to more positive thoughts. You will most likely begin to find a change in your feelings within a few months if not sooner. Remember, you have been living this way your whole life, and those patterns need time to change. Stick with it. Even if you decide you don’t want to learn to manifest a better life for yourself, you will feel better once you have your thoughts under some kind of control.

I can actually feel a strong vibration happening in my solar plexus when I am feeling exceptionally happy, and especially when I am in a state of gratitude. I sometimes use gratitude to get me there as it works so quickly. When I feel this sensation, I actually know that I am in touch with my Inner Being. When this happens, I am almost certain that what I want to manifest is very close to manifesting into my physical reality.

Learning a simple yet effective ways to use the Law of Attraction will get you what you much faster than you may think.


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