How And Why You Need To Be Kind to Yourself!

How And Why You Need To Be Kind to Yourself!

  1. Compliment Yourself
  2. Be Kind To Yourself
  3. Why You Need To Be Kind To Yourself
  4. Expect Others To Be Kind To You.
  5. My Point
  6. What You Can Do Today

Compliment Yourself

Be Kind to Yourself



Be kind to yourself.  Compliment yourself. The compliments that we all need now and again is something we can all do for ourselves. I hope you get up in the morning feeling rested and ready for the day. However, if you get up and feel miserable, and still looking tired, it could be a bit more difficult to compliment yourself. But do it anyway! You can find something to compliment yourself about. Compliment yourself for that gorgeous person you know is just beneath those tired eyes. You know, the ones you love to show the world. Maybe you have to dig a bit deeper, under your skin and compliment yourself for being “YOU”! Or perhaps, you didn’t feel like getting up. But you did, say to yourself”, I got up when I really didn’t feel like it. I got up.”

Be Kind to Yourself

Do you get up in the morning, do what you have to do to start your day? Shower, brush your teeth, fix your hair, find something awesome to wear. If so, compliment yourself for being kind to yourself. You probably do this every day, so compliment yourself every day. Be kind, look at yourself in the mirror, think of yourself as someone you truly love. Embrace that beautiful you. Start your day by giving yourself the love and kindness you deserve!
Did you get up and eat a decent breakfast and at the same time prepare breakfast for others? Who got the lunches made for everybody else, did you do it again? Did anybody say “thank you”? Do it, say, “Thank you, you’re so kind, you do this for yourself and others every day. I love you!”
Did you have to go out to work today? And did you put in a good day? Did you help somebody? Was it a rotten day, but you got through it anyway? Maybe you’re a student, struggling with some difficult concepts you just have to learn, and you just didn’t get it. But, you got through the day anyway? Did you get rejected by people who you care about, but you got through the day regardless of your hurt feelings? And how about you, the stay-at-home mom or dad. Did you get through all the caring and loving you do every day for your family? Bet you had loads of housework to do. Running around, doing all you have to do to keep the home running smoothly. 
Did anybody notice all you did, all you do for yourself and others? Don’t you think you deserve to be complimented every day? You don’t have to wait for others to do it for you – do it for yourself. Say “Thank you. I love you. And I am awesome. I do this every day.”  Say whatever you need to hear. Be kind to yourself. There is nothing wrong with that. You are awesome! Therefore, be kind to yourself.


Expect Others to be Kind to You

Are you kind to others? If you are, why shouldn’t others be kind to you? You maybe shouldn’t expect kindness for yourself if you’re being rude, insensitive, or unkind. Most people don’t like that kind of behaviour, I know I don’t care for it. However, if you are doing your best to be kind to others, you deserve a thank you. Especially, from those people you have a tendency to be close to, family, friends, co-workers etc.
I think you have every right to expect respect from others. It doesn’t mean you are going to receive said respect just because we want it. You also need to understand that other people have their own lives and problems and stuff going on. That’s when we need to walk away from situations like that. There is no need to become confrontational either, like I said, walk away if you can. Don’t take abusive behaviour from others, you deserve respect, we all do. It’s alright to expect kindness from others. However, accept that some people will never be kind no matter how nice you are. 
Remember you need to respect yourself and be kind to yourself if you want others to that for you. When others see that you care for yourself they will be more likely to respect you as well. It’s healthy to expect kindness from others. But learn to be kind to yourself.

My Point

My point is, in order to learn to love yourself there are things you can do for yourself. That’s because others may never do those things for you, so why wait? You can learn to compliment yourself. And you can be kind to yourself and you can expect to be treated with kindness. And remember, your own behaviour towards yourself will reflect how others treat you.

What you can do Today

Think a little bit about what makes you happy. Make a list of those things, add to it every day this week. What are some of those things you can do for yourself? Once you establish that, just do them! Don’t forget, this is about learning to love yourself, learning to be kind to yourself. Take a few baby steps if you find this difficult or unusual. Try looking at your reflection in the mirror and tell yourself how wonderful you are. Just do it!


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3 thoughts on “How And Why You Need To Be Kind to Yourself!

  1. This was a perfect post for me today. I was a bit disappointed in myself because of my diet and lack of activity over the weekend, but reading this makes me realize that I need more kind to myself and more positive. Instead of saying “what a failure this weekend was” I should be saying “today is a fresh day and I’m going to make it great”. Great stuff ❤️

    1. I’m so happy to hear that you are choosing to be kinder to yourself. We all need to do this more often, There is no need to wait for others to save us from our pain. When we learn to love and care for ourselves. Bravo my dear!
      Thank you so very much for your comment!

  2. Thank you for your comment, it's a good feeling to know that this helped someone. I actually needed to remind myself to be kind to me today. Diets fail to satisfy us once in a while, but today, tomorrow is another day, I hope you are pleased with yourself for taking care of your health. There's always something you can find to be nice to yourself with. I diet as well, going on 4 years +, and it isn't always easy. But I reached my goal after a year or so and I am healthier now than I ever was in my life.

    Love your attitude my dear. Bless you xo

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