I’m Back!







 Hello Everyone!

I Know not What the Future Will Bring


It’s really great to be back again, however, I am still struggling with content. I feel like I have little more to say on the topic of love. Strange, for it seems impossible to not have anything more to say.

I want to continue with blogging on this topic so I am asking for your help with topics. I still have many people dropping in to visit “Families and Love” and I want to give more.  Therefore I am going to continue with updates and I will try my best to keep up the process.



I Know not What the Future Will Bring


Like everyone else I have no idea what the future will bring. I know that I will speak of love and newer things as the years come and go.

I hope we will grow together and that I will be blesses with many visitors, and that many will follow and subscribe. Perhaps leave comments and hit like now and again.

Fall is Back


Fall is back and I have been fortunate enough to go back to home for another visit with my family and friends. It was a wonderful time of celebration as we celebrated a few birthdays. I got to meet new family members that I never even knew existed, so that was great!
When I arrived back in Montreal I was fortunate enough to go for some nice walks along the Lachine rapids area. It is always get to get away and to return to my other home. 

Love was in the Air


Love was in the air this past weekend as I got the opportunity to spend time with my awesome grand kids! I was thrilled to be with them for a couple of days enjoying the sound of their laughter and seeing them playing together. I ache in my heart today as I would love to still be near them. However, the time will come again soon when I will be with them again.




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