I Can do This

I’m Thinking

I can do This



I’m thinking about self love today. I’ve been really tough on myself these past few days and it isn’t much fun. There is no need to do this, therefore, I don’t know why I do this to myself so often. I end up having terrible days and miserable headaches and all I want to do is run away from the things I need and want to do.

I have a feeling that many of us go through these days, therefore, I know I have loads of company. This is not a good thing. I do not like the idea that so many people are hurting and having rough times.


I can do This

This is just another rough spot, I can do this. I know what has to be completed and I will find a way. Are you in some kind of predicament today? It’s okay, you’ll get through it if you can believe in yourself and your skills. 



Challenges Sometimes Cause me to Stress



I am preparing to launch a new web site and I don’t have a clue as to what I am suppose to be doing. All those insecure feelings I always have when I’m trying to learn and/or do something that is really new to me. I am convinced that I will build this thing up. I know I will do what I have to do, I always do.
Challenges sometimes cause me to to stress and also to grow. They also teach me that I have capabilities that I am not always aware of. Most of the time these challenges cause me to grow. Therefore, I am learning to embrace them. 
Again I find myself on this journey towards growth. Time to discover ne things to add to my knowledge. 

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