Self-Love. Part 2

Self-love Brings freedom.

Self-Love is a sign to others what you expect from them. It teaches them how to love you.

Self-Love Allows us to be Free.

Self-love allows us to be free, therefore we no longer focus on what others or what society says about us. We are free to be who and what we are, and it allows us to develop a sense of self worth. We understand how that feels and we are more apt to love others and accept love in return. As we learn to love ourselves, we are prepared to love others more freely.

You Can Now be Yourself.

You can now be yourself, and stop pretending that you’re something you’re not. It is essential that you stop living your life based on what society dictates to you. Proof that you are worthy of love will not be achieved by owning a mansion, the most expensive car in the neighborhood, or having a successful career.
However, when you can say to yourself and to others, “I’m ok just the way I am, and I will live my life the way I choose”, after that, you are free. Now you can be happy with the choices you are making for yourself”. As you develop self-love, I believe that you will truly want a better life for yourselves and others. As a consequence, you will behave differently, and people will like you more because you will no longer lean on others to build up your self esteem. 


Show Yourself a Little love.

  1. Make a list of all of the things that you like about yourself.
  2. Ask yourself what you need to change about yourself, to allow self-love.
  3. Write affirmative thoughts about yourself each day in a journal. As a result you can read them back to yourself every day. Subsequently, your subconscious will begin to believe what you are saying about yourself.
  4. Develop compassion for yourself. Meanwhile, ask yourself if you really have to be so hard on yourself? Furthermore, would you treat a friend or your pet the way you treat yourself?
  5.  Look at yourself in the mirror each day, and finally, tell yourself, “you’re ok, I love you just the way you are”. 


Please do not forget “self-love brings freedom”.




Link to Self-Love Part 1


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