Ego Behaves Like a Spoiled Child. Part 1





  1. Ego Cares for Self
  2. Self-Esteem vs Ego
  3. An Egoistic Personality Behaves Like a Spoiled Child
  4. The Altruistic Personality


Ego Cares For Self.

Ego cares for self and says, “I want it and I want it now”!  I believe “ego” only plays a small role in getting us motivated to do things in life. I am not convinced that ego deserves much credit and think about the ego as a spoiled child. It is forever trying to put its needs in front of everybody else’s. If this is true of the ego, then the ego ultimately assumes that It is always right. It believes it is always perfect, and that it is always better than everybody else. Therefore ego says “”I want it and I want it now”.  Ego is just as good at putting us down as it is at building us up.

Ego is like a spoiled child always wanting its own way and believing it is always right. It will build us up to believe we are gods who deserve to have it all. Ego cares for self, but ego will also tear us down to believe we are nothing and that we deserve nothing. This post is also a look at the altruistic personality.

Self-Esteem vs Ego

Self esteem vs ego is something for us think about. I believe that a balanced ego helps us to create a healthy self esteem. But if we don’t learn to tame the ego – we just grow from a spoiled child wanting our own way, to demanding we get our own way. We need to figure out the difference between having a healthy ego and an ego that is out of control.
When we are fair minded, forgiving, loving, and humble we are exhibiting the mature side of our personalities. But when we become selfish, judgmental, and full of ourselves, we are allowing our egos to run the show. It is time to tame it, teach it to ease off a little bit on others.

An Egoistic Personality Behaves Like a Spoiled Child.


Imagine a spoiled child in an adult relationship. Consider the egoistic personality saying “I want it and I want it now” in an an adult relationship. Who needs the egoistic personality in a romantic situation? The ego is looking for unconditional love, no boundaries, constant validation, constant care, and someone who will solve all of their problems for them. Day after day, hour after hour, minute by minute. Spoiled children may need this much attention, but not fully grown adults. We know the child will eventually grow up and become independent.
When we allow this process to normally develop in a healthy fashion, the child “will” grow up into a caring adult. If we allow the ego to run the show we’ll never have the mature adult or a mature relationship that we want. I recall knowing a lady some years ago who used to have to cradle her husband’s head in her lap and rub his temples to help him to go to sleep. He demanded he to do so. It is interesting to note, I used to do the same thing to my babies until they were able to fall asleep on their own.
The Altruistic Personality

This is what an altruistic personality looks like. As adults we should recognize the benefits of mature love, other than things just being about us. Consider a relationship with someone who delivers care for others, honesty, gentleness, patience, tolerance, empathy, sharing, and a host of other positive characteristics. These are the things that someone with an altruistic personality may bring to a relationship. Characteristics that help a relationship to grow and develop.

Besides wanting everything for self, the ego also craves perfection. It wants everything to look perfect as it is a reflection of the self. The egoistic personality not only has to look perfect, so do his friends, his partner, and so do his possessions. No, there isn’t anything wrong with looking good, and having beautiful things, but I’m not sure there is any need for obsession. Perhaps a balance of ego and altruism would make for a more likeable personality. An adult should not be behaving like a spoiled child.



Link to Ego Behaves Like a Small Child Part 2


“Conceit is thinking you’re great; egotism is knowing it”
Bobby Darin





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