Ego Behaves Like a Spoiled Child Part 2

"I want" and 'I need"




Ego Behaves Like a Spoiled Child and Says, “I Want” and “I Need”.


“I want” and “I need” are typically the desires of spoiled children wanting their own way. This is a discussion about the intentions of the ego. It describes what happens when we put love and others above the ego. Ego is selfish, as a result, it wants and needs for itself. However, when we are free from ego, we want to do and be for others as well as for ourselves “. Ego often behaves like a spoiled child who does not want to grow up. 


When our Motives and intentions are Based on ego we behave Like Spoiled Children, who say, “I Want” and “I Need”.

A List of 7 Things That Shows Ego is Present.

Ego has a need to be in a competitive mode and it needs others to fail so it can win. For instance, ego will encourage arguments.
It demands to receive from others to be happy.
An expectation of others to see it as perfect.
Tries to prove others wrong so it can be right…all of the time.
Needs to impress others.
A want to prove something to itself and others.
Constant crave for control.

6 More Ways That Show Ego is Present

Will for power.
It craves attention, in the same way, will demand attention.
Prevalent need to stand out to appear special.
Superiority complex because, it is more important than others in every way.
Ego also feels inferior to others because it feels it has less than others. It feel like it stand out in a negative way. Basically, it often feels unfortunate, therefore, it believes that others owe it something.
Considers itself a victim, and says “poor me, things never work out for me, and I deserve more than this”.

When we are in Charge, Instead of Saying “I Want” and “I Need”, we Use Our Power and Our Capacity to Act Out of Love 

We love to help others.
There is a feeling of gratitude for all blessings, family, job, home, food, and everything that life has to offer.
Recognition of the greatness within the self, and in every person we meet will, in essence, improve our self-worth.
A value and care for other people develops, for that reason, people will respect us.
We feel a deep sense of peace and serenity and a deep affection for the self. Accordingly, what others think about us, doesn’t matter.
Genuine relationships with others, develop more easily. As a matter of fact, others will want to be friends with u


Link to Ego Behaves Like a Spoiled Child. Part 1


“Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego and develop the spirit of surrender. Therefore, you will then experience bliss.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba



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