Color Breathing

  What is Color Breathing? Color breathing is a technique used to activate different forms of energy. It helps to remove negative energy and replaces it with positive energy. Perhaps someone feels stressed and overwhelmed, using the color green, as I do, has the effect of calming me down. This system is sometimes used for therapy both for adults and children. The terms used are color therapy and chromotherapy. It encourages focus on color...

How To Begin A Journey Toward Inner-Growth

  Inner Growth   Let's see how to begin a journey towards inner growth. Therefore, to grow into the people we truly want to be. Some of the things I have personally done to develop that growth are as follows; Got to know myself, Began to find myself, I was able to be myself, These three little steps may not seem like much, these are major things you really need to help yourself to develop if you are going to experience inner growth.  I...