LOA: How Your Words Manifest Your Reality



Your Words Carry Vibrations

Words Manifest Your Reality


Your words carry vibrations, therefore they have a powerful force in your life. We need to be very careful how we use them. Words manifest your reality, therefore be very conscious of them.

Words can be used to bless yourself and others, and they can also curse yourself and others. Be especially careful around children who are very sensitive to words. The way you use your words could cause permanent damage to your little ones. If you believe that you may have done this to someone, apologize from the bottom of your heart. Admit that you were wrong, and hope that they will heal.

Once your words are out there is no way to take them back. No amount of apologizing will reverse to the words not being spoken. Be careful not to harm others with the noise coming from your mouth.

Every word you use carries a vibration with it. As it comes out of your mouth, it carries with it a breath of air. Air carries a wave of vibrations. The word comes out of your mouth carrying with it a sound. Sound carries a wave of vibrations.


Adding Emotion Makes the Words More Powerful

A Swift Manifestation


As you know by now, thoughts, words, feelings and emotions are also things that carry with them vibrations. The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like”. The things you are focused upon will send out a vibration into the universe. The universe will attract and send back to you more of what you sent out.

You never know what the form will be. You may not even be aware enough to to realize that you manifested what has come to you. Your words are manifesting your own reality.

Yesterday I created for myself a reality that I had no intention of manifesting. I was focused on another individual and how they were dressed. We were going out and meeting other people for lunch. I did not appreciate how this person looked. I used my words to express exactly how disgusted I was. Why hadn’t they taken more care and attention to their appearance?

I added the emotions I was feeling. Anger, disappointment, fear, the urge to punish and more went out into the universe.

I was angry because I made the assumption, as I often do, that this person’s attire was a reflection on me. It was all about my pride.


A Swift Manifestation


During dinner the vibrations of my words came back with a swift manifestation that was unmistakable. As I was eating my lovely salad, I spit out of my mouth something that felt and looked like a human tooth.

It was a human tooth! My very own front tooth had broken off at the gum. We called the dentist so that I could get this fixed immediately. But it couldn’t be done. When I was asked if I felt any pain my answer was “no, but my pride is hurting”.

It wasn’t until I was on my way home that I recognized the humor in the situation. Not even realizing how my words and emotions had manifested my reality. However, once I opened mind and saw the truth, I was then able to laugh at my situation. I realized once again that my pride was hurting.

In my heart, I thanked Source for Covid as I felt the mask on my face hiding my damaged pride. It hides how silly I look. My friend and his choice of clothing was unnoticed as all eyes were on me. A lesson well learned indeed.


Power in the Word


Words manifest your reality, add emotions and what you speak of will come back to you. This is the power in the word being reflected back to you. Therefore, be aware of your words and of the emotions you add to them.

Try not to misuse this powerful energy , not against yourself or against others. They will come back to you, so be very careful.


Choose Your Words Wisely

I often misuse my words, however, I am becoming aware of them more and more all the time. I am also much more aware of what other people are saying.

If your words affect you, then they also affect the people around you. It’s like tossing a pebble into the water, and the water ripples out, expanding further out. The ripples are vibrations.

It has been approximately 2 months since I stopped watching the news. My moods, my attitude, and how I see the world has drastically changed for the better. I am so much happier with everything and everybody.

The words on the news are also powerful and affect our lives. Be careful what you listen to and to what you agree with. The words you listen to, add emotion to, and agree with will have an impact to your reality.

Remember, the majority of news that we listen to are negative in nature. People have a tendency to believe what they hear without inspection and  are creating their own reality.













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