Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life: Part 3

Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life




Fear is not why you need to have courage. Perhaps, if you are fearful of every negative thing you encounter, you may have an issue.

Courage is not the opposite of fear, it is about acting despite the fear. In addition, it’s about taking an action, even when the outcome may cause you more anxiety and fear. Above all, you get stronger, you may have to go  through some tough stuff’. Therefore, be prepared for the challenges you will encounter.

Courage involves dreaming about better things to come and about possibilities. Therefore, move away from your comfort zone, take a chance and then make a commitment to stick through it. Consequently, you will become stronger in character.

Because, you are courageous, you step out in faith and do so again until you accomplish the feat. To clarify, It is about taking risks and about being willing to fail. As a consequence, you will get stronger no matter the outcome.

Being courageous means admitting it when you get things wrong and then getting up and trying it again. In other words, accepting the consequences of your decisions and being patient with yourself. Therefore, it’s about patting yourself on the back when you get it right.






Why you Need to Have Courage


Developing courage is about;

Learning to love yourself.
Allow yourself to love others.
Know yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing.
Believe in yourself and knowing that you can do what has to be done.
Know what you are up against, and trusting yourself to do what has to be done.
When you stop making excuses for yourself and step up to the plate, you develop courage. In addition, you begin to believe in yourself. 

Face the fear square on, and knowing when to step down.
Find a solution to those tough issues that you usually ignore.
Commit to change.
Resisting and ignoring the urge to give up.


Developing courage is also about;


Feeling the fear and do it anyway, with a clear mind, and knowing that you are doing the right thing.
Patting yourself on the back now and again.
Knowing you are up against a hurdle and preparing to jump over it. 
Congratulate yourself  every time you face a fear.
Learning from the experience.
Developing more courage knowing that you can now face your fears face on.
Recognizing that fears lessen as you develop more courage. And believing that you can overcome anything that life throws at you.
Knowing that fear is your greatest enemy, the sooner you face it, the quicker it will dissolve.
Stopping the worry and using your intellect instead of your emotions.
Realizing that some things cannot be changed and that is ok. It’s about remembering that you have the wisdom to know the difference.


Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life: Part 1

Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life: Part 2


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