Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life: Part 2


Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life

It Takes Courage to Love Both Ourselves and Others


When you have courage in your life it spreads through all areas of your being. Once you know and understand your power, you win.

You will be more likely to accomplish positive things that benefit you and others around you. You may even begin to influence the world to become a better place for everyone.

This does not mean that you will never be afraid or have doubts. But it does mean that you will find a way to face your fears and doubts. There is more of a chance that you will think things through before you act. Now, you will be aware of any risks, danger and maybe the rewards that may ensue.


It Takes Courage to Love Both Yourself and Others


It takes courage to love yourself and others too. There is responsibility in love, and responsibility, takes courage.

The courage to love others becomes a whole lot easier if you have a good dose of self-love. It takes a whole lot of courage to love ourselves, but we need to in order to love others. Without self love, you are not going to know what true love is. If you cannot accept who you are how can you accept others for who they are?
Love requires becoming vulnerable, and requires opening up to others. It requires being honest, being trustworthy, to love unconditionally, in essence to share our heart with another person. If you don’t love yourself you will never be truly able to do these things. We need self love to overcome our fears.


The Benefits of Courageous Self Love


You want to be loved, we all do, this is our deepest desire. But we do not need to rely on others to achieve this love. We are all born with love built into our being, and it’s there to be found and to activate. Besides, you will learn that you are the only one you can truly rely on. You are your own best friend.
It takes courage to take the risk to love another. To trust someone with your deepest secrets, needs, and fears takes a whole lot of courage. It takes inner strength to give more than others ask of you at times. When you learn that you can be there for yourself, you set a standard as to how to love others. Once you learn how to take care of your own needs, happiness, and fears, you will be able to help others with theirs. 
So why not learn to be kind to yourself, and giving yourself a break from self-judgment now and again? How about trusting yourself and depending on yourself to do what is best for you? Are you willing to take care of your own happiness, your health and well being?
Once you have that courageous self-love, then you will know how to courageously love others. You will have what it takes to give more of yourself and at the same time take more for yourself. You will be able to do these things because it will come from pure love, there is no selfishness in love.
You need to have love for yourself in order to reap the benefits of courageous self-love, and to pass it on to others.


Change Isn’t Easy


Change isn’t easy but you can do it. If I can learn to love myself, then you can learn to love yourself too. There were times when I felt completely alone until I realized how happy I could be tending to my own needs. Learning to have self-love didn’t come easy, but it sure had plenty of benefits. 

Managing your own life means that you have all the time in the world to do what you want to do. Relationships are wonderful, but they are more wonderful when you don’t depend on others to make you happy. Self-love will take  care of you very well.

Change isn’t easy, you get comfortable with the way things are. But avoiding change can be just as horrible so it’s probably a good thing when your world comes crashing down. Change will happen, it is inevitable. Therefore, you may as well embrace it and reap the benefits of the growth, strength and all that you learn from your experiences. 

Having the courage to change and to be the person you want to be is a great start to an amazing future. 




Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life: Part 1

Why you Need to Have Courage in Your Life: Part 3



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