Why Honesty is Crucial to Your Character: Part 2

Why Honesty is Crucial to Your Character: Part 2


Why honesty is crucial to your character is basically a list of ways you can improve your character. You can begin by eliminating lying as much as possible. 
You want to stop lying because lies can cause serious complications for yourself and others. It isn’t easy to trust a known liar. And this definitely puts your character on the line. 
If you find this has become a habit it may be difficult to break, however, you can begin to admit you have a problem. Once you admit to it, you are then on a good footing to change your situation. 
There is no need to bee too critical of yourself, we all lie now and again. However, if you are worried about your reputation, then you need to take action. Remember that honesty is crucial to your character.



The Importance of Honesty in a Relationship


The  importance of honesty in relationships is that;

  • Honesty is vital to a “healthy” relationship. It is truly difficult to develop a healthy relationship when one or the other distorts or withholds the truth. No matter what, honesty is the best policy.
  • Being tactful is very important when being honest. Being honest isn’t about hurting or causing harm to the other, so just don’t blurt out what you think. It’s important to think about what you want to say before saying it, be kind, be nice and be compassionate.
  • Keeping things from others is also being dishonest. I saw what happened when I was found out, it  hurt my reputation and didn’t make life any easier for me.
  • Being honest about everything is important to the relationship. And it helps you to be open about how you feel about things, and in essence, helps the relationship to grow.
  • It is important to confront others whom you think may be lying to you. Getting the lie into the open as soon as possible deters further complications associated with the issue at hand.
  • Honesty creates respect, it isn’t always easy to be honest but it builds character to do so.
  • Being honest saves time. When you are honest about what you want or need instead of beating around the bush, things get accomplished a whole lot faster. And it prevents people from having to guess about what you’re thinking.
  • Dishonesty has a nasty way of turning around and biting you in the butt – so it just isn’t worth it.


Becoming More Truthful 

Becoming more truthful means;

  • Making a commitment to tell the truth as much as possible.
  • Thinking before you consider lying, giving a false explanation or reason. 
  • Stop using exaggerations or what you consider a white lie. A lie is still a lie no matter how you coat it.
  • Begin to think before you twist the truth or before leaving part of the story out.
  • Not saying anything is lying as well. Silence may imply that you don’t know the truth…..when you really do.
  • Correcting yourself right away when you catch yourself lying – no excuses- just do it.
  • Not stealing … no …. not for any reason. It is also a form of lying.
  • Yes, cheating is also a form of lying.
  • Admitting to your lie – no matter how difficult it is to do so.


Link to; Why Honesty is Crucial to Your Character: Part 1


If you feel that you have a serious habit of lying, this is a link that may be of service to you. How to Stop Lying.


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